Page 57 of Never Finished
I felt my eyebrows raise. "A scheme?"
"What would you say if I told you I caught your dad red-handed on tape bragging about expanding the resort on to your land?"
I looked at him in surprise. "I would say my lawyer would have a field day, and it would make things a lot easier."
"Then my job here is done," he said with a wink.
I yanked Jaime's mouth down to mine, needing to taste him again and not caring if his staff could see us. He leaned into it, holding me to him as if he'd never let me go, and that was a feeling I wouldn’t take for granted ever again.
When we finally broke apart, gasping for air, he was smiling at me, and I could feel the grin overtaking my lips.
"Bella," he said in a ragged voice. "I’ll be shutting down in a few minutes. What do you say I bring up a bottle of our best and we celebrate?"
I couldn't help but tease him, "What exactly are we celebrating, Jaime?"
He growled. "That we love each other and I'm never letting you go ever again. That no one can come between us. It's you and me against the world."
I reached up and kissed him thoroughly once again before breathing against his mouth. "That sounds perfect. It'll give me just enough time to slip into something a little more comfortable," I said seductively, thinking of the slinky negligee I'd impulsively picked up a couple of days ago when Caroline and I had been out shopping.
Despite not knowing how this was going to turn out, when I saw it on the mannequin, it screamed, "Jaime would rip me off," and I had to scoop it up just in case. Now was the perfect time to wear it.
His smile widened, and heat overtook his eyes. "I'll take you any way I can get you. You look great no matter what you wear."
I laughed. "Yeah, I think you'll enjoy what I have in mind much better," I said, kissing him again. "See you in a few minutes?"
He kissed me hungrily before saying, "I can't shut this place down fast enough."
Reluctantly, we let each other go, and I floated back to the elevator and up to my room.
I couldn't believe I'd wasted so much time. After all these years of thinking we could never be and that I had to sacrifice all in the name of family. Never again. Jaime was my family and I no longer felt like I was missing a piece of myself. I felt empowered and loved.
Tonight we would continue getting to know each other, knowing the future was bright—no boogie man waiting for us on the other side. It was the beginning of our new life together.
Tomorrow, I would contact Connor and hand over the recording.
Once in my room, I made a beeline for the small gift bag that held my impulse purchase from a couple of days before. I slipped on the slinky fabric and freshened myself up. Soon I’d answer the door for the love of my life, feeling sexy and desirable.
The material was a deep emerald silk with the cups in black lace. It hugged me in all the right places and had little straps that would be so easy for Jaime to just… rip off. The thought sent wet heat spiraling through my core.
I’d just finished tucking a stray strand of hair back in place when I heard a knock at the door. My pounding heart went into overdrive. This was silly. It wasn't like this was our first time, but it felt different.
I raced to the door, not even bothering to look through the peephole. I couldn’t wait to launch myself into Jaime's arms. But when I yanked open the door, my excitement came skittering to a stop because it wasn’t Jaime standing there. It was Andrew, looking determined and belligerent.
I tucked myself behind the door trying to conceal myself as I asked him, "Andrew? What are you doing here? It's late."
His words slurred as he began his rant. "I came here to collect what’s owed to me."
Everything inside of me panicked, and I cursed myself. I didn’t have my phone nearby, so I couldn’t call for help. It was after midnight, so if I had to scream, then I would wake up the entire floor. Maybe I could shove him out before it came to that.
"Promises were made, Emma. You understand that, don’t you? And I am not a man who takes being lied to well. Now your father owes me, and he can't seem to keep you in line. So I'm going to follow his advice—take charge and do it myself."
I swallowed hard. "Andrew," I said as calmly as I could, "I can see you're upset and I understand, but perhaps this is a conversation we should have in The Lounge. We can discuss these promises my father made and what we might do about them."
He shook his head. "Oh no, no, no, I am done talking. I am done waiting around and being made a fool of."
Before I could respond, his hand flew towards my face and covered my mouth and nose. I stumbled backward and opened my mouth to scream, but before the sound could escape, darkness descended over me.