Page 60 of Never Finished
"That's something I'm familiar with," I'm muttered.
"I know, I mean, they make all these promises, and then they just do whatever the fuck they want. As if there are no repercussions."
I nodded, but stopped when the movement sent a sharp spike of pain through my head. "We have that in common," I said, trying to keep him talking, hoping to calm him down.
"I know. You see? We're better suited than you thought. But you didn't want to give me a chance because of that stupid bartender. I told my dad he was going to be a problem. Anyone with eyes could see that."
"Andrew," I said, bringing attention back to me and away from Jaime, "Let’s forget about our fathers for a moment, because obviously neither one of them is interested in helping us. You and I are two capable adults. There's no reason we shouldn't be able to figure out a path here."
"That may be true for you," he said. "But it’s too late for me."
I had to keep him talking. "No, it's never too late. What exactly did my father promise you?"
Andrew launched into details of our proposed marriage and merging the family businesses. How the new company would build boutique businesses off the back of the resort and we would "make millions."
When he mentioned we would be expected to produce multiple heirs to inherit the family fortune, I swallowed back the bile rising in my throat.
But he was talking, and as long as he continued, I could test the strength of my restraints. They didn't seem impossible to get out of. I tried to keep him talking as I carefully worked my wrists out of the restraints.
He was complaining about how his father had never seen him as anything other than a boy when he paused. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked tersely.
I sucked in a breath. "I'm having a conversation with you. We're sorting out this mess."
"No. No, you're just trying to play me like the rest of them so you can get out of here… And then what? Tell me, Emma, what happens when you leave here? Are you going to act like this didn't happen?"
I swallowed hard before I said, "I can keep a secret if you can."
He snorted. "Yeah, I don't believe you. Your father was right about one thing—women are conniving, and you have to watch them every step of the way. You're not going anywhere, Emma." As he closed the distance between us, there was a loud crash from the door being kicked down.
Iprayed to God my hunch was right.
When Phil said the emergency exit had been tripped, but the cameras were dark, I knew I was on the right track. The maintenance shed was tucked neatly away in the woods several hundred yards from the back of the resort. If he had taken her around any other side of the building, the cameras would've picked it up.
My heart was pounding in my ears as I approached the dark shed. Emma must be terrified. As I grew closer, I slowed my steps, wanting to be quiet as possible.
As I neared the shed, I could hear voices.
I tried to listen to the conversation, but I couldn't pick up the words. Suddenly, I heard a male voice rise sharply, and I knew she must be in trouble.
I sucked in a breath and kicked in the door to reveal Andrew Travers Jr. and Emma sitting in an awkward tangle on the floor, her hands tied behind her back.
She cried out my name when she saw me, but before I could get to her, Andrew launched himself at me. "You're not going to ruin this for me now," he spit out as I reached for him. I wrapped my hands around his throat as he tried to fight back.
He managed to pry one of my hands from his throat, but I just swung it back into his face, enjoying the sickening crack.
My hand would hurt like hell later, but I didn't care.
I had an advantage over Andrew, because even though he was taller than me, I had rage on my side. I didn't even realize the litany of curses flying out of my mouth as I pummeled him.
Somehow in the tussle, Andrew got a hand to the back of my head and yank on my hair, forcing one of my hands to release him. Then he had the advantage, knocking me to the ground. I heard Emma cry out, but I couldn't focus on that for too long, because Andrew was towering over me.
Sprawled out on the ground, I reached out, feeling around for anything I could use as a weapon, and Andrew chuckled cruelly.