Page 20 of Redbird
“I think you were right about it being a good time to start trying,” she whispers.
I kiss her neck and pull back. “Sounds like I have my work cut out for me later.”
She blushes, tucking her hair back. I spank her lightly, taking her hand, and head into the house.
The week I’m ovulating, Gerard stays close and sends the men out to do the field work. We’re careful that no one notices. He comes in for lunch, goes to wash up in our bathroom. I make an excuse about forgetting something and slip up the back staircase.
He folds me in half and fucks me into our bed. My ankles over his shoulders and his cock buried so deep in me I swear I can feel it in my throat.
Getting his cum as deep as he can.
It’s a whirlwind and I’m left sore and dazed at the end. Then he goes back out to the ranch and we play the waiting game. Today, I’m upstairs in the nursery taking the linens out. Through the open window comes a soft breeze. The air smells like a thunderstorm. Dark and crackling with anticipation.
Safe in the nursery, I run my fingers over Cash’s knit blanket. It’s a soft pearly gray and there’s a tag with his name embroidered on it. I set it aside, making a note to add a second tag for the next baby’s name.
A thrill moves through me.
Thunder rumbles. I inhale the air, tasting a little coolness on it. Through the glass I see my husband on Shadow in the western pasture. We’re alone, Cash is gone for the day. Maddie and her husband went to South Platte for groceries and Cash begged to go too. I know he’ll come back high on sugar and sound asleep in the cab of the truck, but I let him go anyway.
The afternoon has been quiet. I prepped dinner for Maddie and set the bread to rise in the hot kitchen. Then I moved barefoot to the nursery to start going through the baby things.
I like privacy for this. Sometimes seeing Cash’s little socks and blankets makes me cry.
Today, they only make me hopeful.
Thunder sounds again and I go to the window, pushing it open wider. Gerard turns Shadow and they start moving back towards the yard. He’s got Big Dog with him, loping at his heels. Small Dog is shockingly still around, but he sleeps every minute of the day. His entire head and belly are now a silvery white.
“How old is he?” I asked Gerard one day.
He shrugged. “Not sure.”
“Well, was he a puppy when you bought him?”
He shook his head. “Didn’t buy him. I left the door open a while back and when I came downstairs, there was a dog on my couch.”
I gazed at him, still surprised by my husband after all this time. “And you just took him? Did you try to find his owner?”
Gerard shrugged. “No, if he belonged to someone else, he must not have liked living there.”
I pull myself from my mind and glance down. My husband is in the yard now, dismounting Shadow. I lean out the window, palms on the sill, and whistle.
He looks up and I feel his slow perusal of my body. Pale eyes burning up my body.
“What are you up to?” I call down.
“Sir,” he corrects.
Oh, he’s in that kind of mood. I reach up, tugging at the string that holds the bodice of my sundress together. Untying it halfway. Giving him a flash of my cleavage.
“What are you up to…sir?” I say, letting my voice drop.
He shakes his head once, jaw working.
“Storm’s coming,” he says.