Page 21 of Whisk Me Away
“Hey, girls!” Walter greeted his daughters as he rounded the kitchen island and pulled them each in for a hug.
“Hey, Dad,” Eden smiled.
“Hi, Dad. Good message today,” Karis said, giving him a wide smile.
That wasn’t the smile she gave me before we got out of my SUV, and, man, it did make me want to do something to be on the receiving end of that smile. It was a smile that could bring a man to his knees. She was breathtaking.
How would I make it through this night without staring at her the whole time?
Knock it off, Brant.
The next few hours were spent sitting around Gram's dining room table, laughing and talking as if we'd all done this a million times before. Conversations flowed effortlessly from one topic to another, and the banter between Brant and Brock never failed to bring a smile to my face. I loved watching them interact with each other. Anyone could tell that they would have each other's backs at any given moment, but at the same time, they could razz each other relentlessly. And I was sure the same could be said for Brooks who was away at school.
I liked watching Brant in this atmosphere. He seemed to be relaxed and at ease. He was comfortable. At home in this place with these people. Watching him converse so easily with my dad did something to my heart. There was a mutual respect that hung in the air between them. I couldn't help but wonder what Dad would think if I were to ever date Brant. Would his easy, friendly demeanor change to a protective, stern attitude?
Shoving the thoughts deep down, I focused in on one of the many conversations happening around me. I found myself in this situation often, sitting back and taking it all in while things happened around me. I was content to sit back and fluidly jump from conversation to conversation while never actively participating. Sometimes, I would catch myself responding in my head, not being confident enough to state my thoughts out loud.
I didn't mind it, though. Taking on the role of the observer gave me the ability to read people and situations well. It was a skill I had honed over the years. I was used to Mia being the outgoing one in our duo while I sat back and observed.
Brant's leg bumped my own beneath the table, catching me off guard. At first, I thought it was an accident. His leg got too close to mine while he shifted in his seat and accidentally brushed against me. But when it happened again, I chanced a look at him.
When our gazes met, it was almost like he was trying to silently communicate something to me. I just wasn't sure what exactly it was. I squinted my eyes, trying to convey that I had no idea what he wanted from me.
His brow furrowed, but his eyes danced with mischief.
What are you up to, Landon?
He quickly jerked his head toward the front of the house. The movement was so small I almost missed it. My eyes widened in response before he nodded to confirm it was what I thought he meant.
I pushed my chair out as quietly as possible, trying my best to be invisible and not disrupt any of the conversations happening around me. I slid out of my chair and nonchalantly walked until I was out of sight, standing next to the front door of Gram's little cottage.
I took a moment to take inventory of her delightful home. It wasn't tiny but also couldn't be considered large in any sense of the word. It looked clean and put together yet lived in and comfortable. It was one of those homes that looked inviting, beckoning you to come in, remove your shoes, and get comfy with a cup of coffee and a good book. It was exactly the type of home I hoped to have one day.
A few minutes later, Brant's large frame rounded the corner, stopping right in front of me. He was standing so close I had to crane my neck to see his face. The smell of his cologne tickled my nose as I inhaled deeply. I could make out accents of wood, leather, and something else that I had learned was entirely Brant.
“Hey," his deep voice reached my ears, bringing my thoughts back from analyzing his smell.
“Hi," I gave him a small smile.
I stared at him for a few beats before he reached out and grabbed me by the elbow, spinning me around.
"Follow me," Brant whispered as he opened the front door as quietly as possible.
We both slipped out into the night and paused on the front porch. I glanced up at the stars, in awe of the beauty of the world we lived in. It was impossible to look up, see the stars and the vastness of it all, and not believe in God. He truly created a masterpiece, and I loved stealing little moments to appreciate it.
I felt the heat of Brant’s presence at my back before he even said a word.
"Walk with me?" His breath tickled my ear, sending a shiver through my body. I gave him a slight nod before taking the steps down to the gravel drive.
We walked side by side for a few minutes before he finally broke the silence.
“How are you?” His voice was so genuine. But he cut me off before I could give him an answer. “Don’t even think about telling me you’re fine.”
The demanding tone in his voice gave me pause. My hackles began to rise. He had no claim on me. He couldn’t tell me what to do or how to express my feelings. Just to spite him, I gave him a cool smile.