Page 35 of Whisk Me Away
"If I told you, it'd ruin the surprise,” I tossed out as I put my SUV in reverse and headed out of town.
She sighed and linked her fingers together, resting her hands in her lap as she stared out the window.
"How's your mom doing?" I asked hesitantly. I debated bringing this topic up because I didn't want to make her sad, but I also wanted to know how she was and if they needed anything.
That was one of the perks about living in a small town. The people were practically family, stepping up to help whenever someone was in need.
"Honestly…" she let out a long sigh before shifting in her seat to face me. "I'm not sure. I keep asking both my parents how she’s doing, but they just keep saying everything is fine.” She paused, shaking her head. “But everything doesn't feel fine. I feel like they’re lying to Eden and me, and I don't know what to do about it."
I could hear a hint of anger in her voice at the secrets she thought her parents were keeping. Before I had a chance to respond, she continued.
"I understand wanting to protect us and all, but we aren't kids anymore. If there’s something seriously wrong, I want to know. I want to be able to prepare my heart for the worst-case scenario. I want to be able to take advantage of the time I have with her. I feel like they’re robbing us of the ability to cope with the truth."
“Hmm," I hummed. I could understand where she was coming from. If it were my mom, I'd also press them for details. I couldn't find any words that seemed right at the moment, so I just nodded and kept my eyes on the road.
Karis let out a small gasp when I made the turn down the road that led us to the parking lot for the Falls. I glanced at her, liking how she seemed to fit perfectly in my passenger seat. Her right hand flew to her chest when she gasped, and she stared out the window with a look of awe on her face.
"Are we going to the Falls?" Her giddy bounce in her seat pulled a chuckle out of me.
“Yep," I smiled at her. "But I bet you've never seen the Falls from where I plan on taking you."
Putting my SUV in park, I reached into the back seat, pulled my pack, and exited the vehicle. I slung the backpack over my shoulders and rounded the back to see Karis already out, staring at the trees lining the gravel parking lot.
I approached her slowly, taking in the way she seemed to light up in this atmosphere. "Ready?" I whispered in her ear as I stood right behind her.
A shiver raced through her body, and she nodded her head. When she turned to face me, there was a glimmer in her eyes, and she had that bottom lip between her teeth again. I used every ounce of my self-control to keep from leaning in and capturing her lips with mine. Instead, I grabbed her hand and led her to the path that would take us to my favorite spot.
As the trail went on, Karis turned to look at me. "When did you discover this top-secret spot to see the Falls?" She asked with a hint of humor in her tone.
This playful side of Karis was really growing on me. From what I've gathered, she was a very type-A person who didn’t let go and be carefree often. Seeing her like this made me want to make it my mission to bring this side out of her more often.
Remembering she asked me a question, I finally answered, "It was in high school, actually." I thought back to that time when football and dating were the most challenging parts of my life.
"With football and school, my time was mostly accounted for during the week, but I would wake up early on Saturday mornings to come watch the sunrise here. It became one of my favorite ways to recenter my heart and mind.” I'd use the time to pray and just enjoy the beauty God created. I didn't appreciate it as a teenager as much as I do now. The ability to escape and be alone with God. It was something I cherished.
Karis nodded along, seeming content to just listen. We spent the rest of the hike talking about anything and everything, not going too deep but covering all the get-to-know-you topics. We were almost to my spot when I fell back a few paces. I wanted to see Karis take in the view for the first time.
The small gasp that came from her as she took her last few steps to the top has a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. I remembered how it felt to see this place for the first time. I gave her a few minutes to take it in as I ambled up beside her.
"Brant," she whispered.
As we reached the top of the main waterfall, a sense of peace washed over me, coupled with a rush of exhilaration at sharing this moment with Karis. Most people opted for the trail that led to the pond at the bottom of the waterfall, but my favorite spot was just above it, tucked away from the beaten path. To the left, another small waterfall cascaded gracefully into a gentle stream that fed into the pond that sat at the top of the grand waterfall.
I led Karis toward the secluded spot, eager to show her the hidden gem I held dear to my heart. The sound of rushing water filled the air. As we approached, I couldn’t help but steal glances at Karis, marveling at how her eyes lit up with awe and wonder at the sight before us.
Finding a comfortable spot to sit, I pulled out the blanket I brought and spread it out. After a few minutes, we settled in, allowing the beauty of our surroundings to envelop us. I stole a glance at Karis, admiring how the loose pieces of hair that escaped her ponytail danced in the breeze, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the sunlight filtering through the trees.
With a contented sigh, I reach for her hand, intertwining our fingers as we sat in companionable silence, taking in the beauty of the moment together.
"This place is breathtaking. Thank you so much for bringing me here and sharing this special place with me,” the wide smile she gave me was like a shot to the heart. Man, I loved being the one to make her smile like that. I loved knowing I could bring her joy in the chaos that was her life in this season.
Never in my life had I seen a place more beautiful than this. I’d been to the Falls a few times throughout high school but it'd always been at the bottom of the waterfall. I could never have imagined how much more beautiful it'd be from the top.
Being in nature always filled me with a profound sense of awe and wonder, a reminder of just how incredible God's creation truly was. As I sat beside Brant, surrounded by the beauty of the waterfall and the lush greenery that surrounds us, I couldn’t help but marvel at the diversity and intricacy of nature.