Page 55 of Whisk Me Away
"In the middle of the night,” she mumbled into her pillow. She had not opened her eyes since I picked her up by the front door. I measured the right amount and helped her drink the liquid, praying it would break her fever.
Once I've got her situated, I smoothed out the blankets on the other side of the bed and climbed on top. I got comfortable in a seated position with my back resting against the headboard, so I could help her if she needed anything. Karis was already sleeping again, and I couldn’t help but smile at the little noises coming from her. Her nose was stuffy, so she had a little snore that I shouldn't find adorable, but do.
I slid my phone out of my pocket and sent off a text to Randle, asking him to cover me for a few hours. Once he confirmed, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and looked around the room for a remote. It was on the nightstand beside me. I turned on the TV, and quickly muted the volume. I don't watch TV much, but I flipped through one of her streaming services until I found something entertaining to watch.
After a few episodes, I realized Karis hadn't moved since I gave her the medication. I gently slid off the bed and went to her side to grab the thermometer. When her temperature read normal, I decided it was safe to leave her and head to the kitchen. I wasn’t the best cook, but I could whip something up for when she woke up. She probably hadn’t eaten much in the last twenty-four hours.
I made my way downstairs and rummaged through the pantry until I found a box of macaroni and cheese that I felt confident I could do without ruining and got to work.
My head pounded as I rolled over in bed. I had the strangest dream that Brant showed up at my house just to carry me back to bed and give me medicine before tucking me in. Besides the part where I was sick, it had been a nice dream. I had stretched my arms over my head as I had given in to a big yawn. A hint of pine and leather had hit my senses when I had taken my next breath. I sat up straight in bed more quickly than I should have, making me light-headed. I held my head in my hands until I regained my equilibrium before slowly swinging my legs around to place my feet on the floor.
I sat on the side of my bed, making sure I wasn’t going to get dizzy while I tried to figure out why my room smelled like Brant. Was the dream I had, in fact, not a dream? Did Brant come here to take care of me? If he did, where was he now?
I was getting ready to stand up when I heard a commotion downstairs. What in the world? I thought dad went into the office this morning.
I stood up, sliding my feet into my coziest pair of slippers, and glanced at myself in the mirror next to my closet door. I was wearing an oversized T-shirt with shorts. My hair was haphazardly thrown into a bun on top of my head, and leftover mascara smudged under my eyes.
Based on my appearance, I really hoped it was a dream and that Brant hadn’t shown up at my door with me looking like this. Even with the knowledge that Brant may very well be downstairs right now, I didn’t have the energy to make myself more presentable, so I left my room and followed the noise that was coming from the kitchen. I made it to the bottom of the stairs when my eyes landed on the source of said noise.
A handsome Brant stood in my kitchen, putting mac and cheese into bowls. His back had been to me, allowing me to take him in. He was wearing his navy blue uniform with his standard black hat containing his messy hair.
I couldn’t believe Brant was standing in my kitchen, making me macaroni and cheese. “Hi,” my voice sounded awful, but I blamed it on this darn sickness.
Brant turned around slowly and gave me a tentative smile. “How are you feeling, Peach? Are you hungry?”
I nodded as I slid into one of the chairs at the island, and Brant placed a bowl in front of me.
“I’m feeling a little better but had the weirdest dream.”
“Oh yeah?” Brant asked as he took the seat right next to me.
“Yeah. I had a dream that you showed up at my door and carried me to bed. You gave me medicine and tucked me in before I fell asleep again.” By then, I was pretty sure that hadn’t been a dream, seeing as Brant was cooking me food in my kitchen; I was just curious what he'd say.
"That doesn't sound like me," Brant said with a knowing smirk. “But if it was, I'd wonder how long you've had that poster ofNSYNCon your bedroom wall.”
I felt the heat rushing to my cheeks.
"As a teenager, I really believed I would marry Justin Timberlake one day,” I laughed.
The deep rumble in Brant's chest made my smile grow. "I hope I can measure up," Brant winked before taking a bite of his food.
I looked down at my bowl and realized I hadn’t eaten in a while. I slowly lifted the spoon of noodles to my mouth as I said, “You didn't have to do this.”
"Do what, Peach?”
"Come here, take care of me, or make me food," I said hesitantly. I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t grateful; I just felt guilty that he wasn't at work.
"I don't do anything I don't want to do, Karis,” the use of my actual name had me pausing. Maybe I had offended him.
"I really appreciate it. Thank you,” I gave him a small smile.
Brant nodded his head before taking another bite. I followed his lead, and we had sat in silence, eating our lunch. When we finished, Brant gathered our bowls before placing them in the sink.
"Do you need to get back?" I asked.