Page 57 of Whisk Me Away
Super busy, but it was a good day. My realtor got back to me, and I have a few houses to look at next week. I have loved staying with Dad, especially after Mom, but he insists he is okay and that I should get my own place.
A bolt of panic coursed through my body. I didn't want her to get her own place. I wanted this house to be her place, but we obviously couldn't do that until we got married. I didn't know how to tell her not to buy her own house without either coming off like a complete jerk or making her suspicious.
I paced the length of the kitchen, trying to figure out how to respond. If only I had talked to her dad sooner, he wouldn't have encouraged her to buy a house of her own. I needed to speed up my timeline of asking Pastor Walter so he could help me convince Karis to stay at home for a few more months.
Wow. That's good. Would you like me to come with you?
I was hoping she would say yes so I could convince her that none of the options were good enough. Maybe if I could do that, it would give me a little more time.
I'd love that!
Relief settled in my chest as I read that last text. This was all going to work out.
Tell me when and where. I'll be there.
I pulled up the number and called in our pizza order before I headed off to the shower. My mind was made up; tomorrow, I was going to talk with Pastor Walter.
As I strolled towards the church where Pastor Walter's office was tucked away, I couldn't shake the jittery feeling swirling in my stomach. Every step I took was heavier than the last, laden with the weight of the conversation I was about to have. But amidst the nerves, there was this undeniable excitement, a hopeful buzz pulsing through me, fueled by my love for Karis and the future I could see with her.
Pushing open the door to the church, the familiar scent of old wooden pews and polished floors greeted me. It was a comfort in the midst of my nervousness, a reminder that this place held countless memories, both joyous and somber. Today, though, I was here for something entirely personal, something that would shape the rest of my life.
Making my way down the familiar hallways, I finally arrived at Pastor Walter's office door. With a deep breath, I rapped my knuckles against the wood, the sound echoing in the corridor like a drum.
When the door swung open, revealing Pastor Walter's kind smile and friendly eyes, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Here was a guy who'd seen it all, a trusted confidant and father figure not just to Karis but to many in our community. Summoning my courage, I stepped inside, ready to spill my guts and ask for his blessing on the biggest question of my life.
"Good afternoon, Sheriff. What can I do for you?" Pastor Walter seemed to be doing better as each week went by. I couldn't imagine losing the one you love most in this life, but you could tell he was clinging to God to get him through this time.
"Hey, Pastor Walter," I began, my words came out in a rush. "I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time."
He chuckled and motioned for me to take a seat. "Not at all, Brant. What's on your mind?"
I pulled in a deep breath to steady myself, and pushed ahead. "Well, sir, you know how much I care about Karis. I mean, she's everything to me. And I've been thinking a lot lately about where we're headed, about our future together."
Pastor Walter nodded, his expression gentle and encouraging. "I can see the love you two share, Brant. It's a beautiful thing."
"Yeah, well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about," I continued, my nerves kicked into overdrive. "I wanted to ask Karis to marry me. But before I do, I wanted to come to you to get your blessing."
There was a moment of silence as Pastor Walter studied me, his gaze thoughtful. Then, with a smile, he reached across the desk and clasped my hand in his. "Brant, I couldn't be happier to give you my blessing. You're a good man, and I know you'll take care of my daughter. Just promise me one thing."
"Anything," I replied, a sense of relief flooded through me.
"Promise me you'll love her with everything you've got, cherish her, and support her through thick and thin. And most of all, that you'll always keep God at the center of your marriage. That's all I ask."
"I promise," I said. I felt the weight of those words settle around me like a mantle. "I'll love her until the day I die."
With Pastor Walter's blessing, I knew I was ready to take the next step: ask Karis to be my wife and embark on this journey together. Pastor Walter pulled me in for a hug before I made my way back to my truck. I had one more stop to make before I was ready to begin planning my proposal.
After leaving Pastor Walter's office, my heart swelled with gratitude for his blessing. Determined, I headed straight to my parents' house, eager to share the news with them. As I walked up the familiar path to their front door, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside me.
When I stepped into the cozy warmth of our family home, the smell of my mom's famous apple pie greeted me, instantly soothing my nerves. My parents sat in the living room, chatting and sipping cups of tea. As soon as they saw me, their faces lit up.
"Hey, Mom, Dad," I greeted them, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fact that my stomach was in knots.
My mom's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she looked at me. "What's got you all worked up, Brant? You look like you've got something on your mind."
I couldn't contain my grin any longer. "I do, actually. I wanted to tell you both that I plan to ask Karis to marry me."
My mom's eyes immediately welled up with tears, and she rushed off to the other room. I exchanged a puzzled look with my dad before she returned, clutching something small in her hand.