Page 6 of Enigma
He was mistaken.
John was supposed to be in jail until Sean turned eighteen. The judge made sure of it. After everything I went through, everything I survived, the courts assured me that John would never see the light of day again.
What fucking moron let an attempted murderer go free?
“Sugar,” I vaguely heard Mike say. “Honey, I need you to take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
Shaking my head, I stepped back. “No, it’s not. He tried to kill me the last time. I almost didn’t make it.”
“Sweetie, King and I are going to do everything we can to ensure your safety. You just have to trust us,” he added as someone else walked into my shop. The next thing I knew, someone pulled me into a powerful embrace. Closing my eyes, I laid my head against a familiar chest while I tried desperately to control the turmoil raging in my body. I wanted so much to hide, to disappear.
It took me months, years to get over the abuse John subjected me to. Hell, there were still nights I lay awake in fear because I thought he was there watching me.
“I came as soon as I heard. I’ve got you, Sugar,” King said, in a soothing voice. “What’s the game plan, Mike? Because I’m warning you now. If I see the son of a bitch, I’ll get the chair for killing him.”
“Right now, we need to get Sugar somewhere safe.”
“And the boys?”
“With my parents. Mardi Gras,” I muttered, my body shaking uncontrollably.
“Good,” King stated. “That makes things easier. I’ll call Gator and tell him to keep Sugar’s parents and the boys for the time being. I’ve got Enigma meeting us up at the distillery. He’s going to take point on this. I’ve got a place Sugar can hide out in until the authorities find and arrest the bastard.”
“Where are you thinking?” Mike inquired.
“The distillery. Frank has a spare room there for when he gets too tired to drive home. It’s secured and no one is getting near the place without the entire club being alerted.”
“Good,” Mike agreed, looking around my shop. “I can keep an eye out on the shop, Sugar’s house, and her parents’ place. Sugar was already closing the shop for a week anyway, so no one will think any differently.”
“That only gives you a week to find the bastard. Can you do that?” King asked.
Mike sighed. “If he heads to Rosewood, no problem. I can let all the business owners know to be on the lookout for him. Plus, with you guys on the mountain, there won’t be a place he can hide.”
“The cake.”
“What?” King asked, releasing me.
“Scribe and Henley’s cake. I haven’t finished it.”
“Sweetheart, Scribe and Henley will understand.”
Shaking my head, I took a step back. “No. John has taken too much from me already. I’m not going to let him stop me from helping my friends. I want to finish their cake. I need to, even if it’s the last thing I do.”
King gripped my shoulders and glared at me. “Sugar Anne Potter. Listen to me and listen really good. Nothing is going to happen to you. You will be making ice cream, cookies, and cakes until you are old and gray. You are going to see your boys grow up, graduate college and have babies of their own. You are going to have a happy life, Sugar. I swear it.”
I wanted to believe him.
I really did.
But he didn’t know John like I did.
Chapter Three