Page 10 of Falling for Fang
“So, are you ready for your surprise?” he asked me as we walked back to the truck.
“Absolutely. I can’t wait to see what has you so excited.” I laughed at his enthusiasm. Whatever it was had to be epic because he was beyond excited to show me. We headed to the compound and as we approached the gate, I noticed the barn had been renovated. It had a sign on the front that read ‘Liberty Clinic and Animal Rescue’. It was massive, we pulled inside the gates, and he parked out in front of it.
"Okay, before you get mad or defensive, let me explain.” Fang said as he opened my door for me. “I grew up here, I always knew I would be a member. I did a brief stint in the military and then had to come home to take care of my sister when my father passed. I never got a chance to really figure out what I wanted to do. I have plenty of money from jobs we have done and did not have many expenses. I love animals just like you do. I thought we could run this together. I can work more on the shelter side, and you run the clinic. What do you think?”
He looked so nervous. I looked at the building and thought that it would be selfish of me to turn him down. The animals needed this and so did I. He wanted this as well.
“I love that idea. So, you would not be working at the strip club anymore?” I asked, looking up at him. He smiled at me and picked me up.
“Nope, I’ll be working with my girl.” He said smiling. “There is a little more to the surprise, but it won’t be done until tomorrow, so this is all you get for today. I just wanted you to see it so you would be able to sleep well tonight. Let’s go get your babies and head home. I can fix us some dinner and we can watch movies.”
“Sounds good. I miss the little monsters. I hope they were good for Gears and Soph.” I waited for him to open my door and we drove the short distance to their place to pick up my pups. Sophie met us at the door with them and she was jumping on her heels excitedly.
“What did you think, isn’t it awesome?” she asked me with a huge grin on her face. I smiled and hugged her.
“I love it. I can’t wait to see the inside. He won’t let me see until it’s finished.” I pouted as I looked up at my guy. He winked and took the leashes from her.
“I want to take her home, so she can take a shower and have some dinner. Thanks for everything Sophie. We will see you later.” Fang said as he helped me into the car and settled the dogs in the backseat. He drove us back to my place. When we pulled up, he parked in front and helped me out of the car then took the pups and we went inside. “Let me feed them and then we will get you a shower and I’ll wash your hair for you.”
“That sounds like heaven.” I said as I watched him take the leashes off and put them up then get their food. Spock and Kirk both loved Fang already. We had been flirting and talking for a few months now. He has been bringing me food and coffee and checking on me to make sure I’m eating. Bringing me flowers and little treats. I am so head over heels in love with this man already. It doesn’t matter that it hasn’t been very long. I know my heart and he has shown me that I can trust him.
“I ordered our dinner so let’s get you in the shower and in some clean comfy clothes before it gets here.” Fang said as he offered his hand to help me up off the couch. He led me into the bathroom and started to remove my clothes, dropping them in the hamper. Turning on the shower, he checked the temperature and then stripped off his own clothes.
“Just relax and let me take care of you baby.” He murmured as I wet my hair down and he took the shampoo then massaged some through my hair. Turning me to rinse it out then applying conditioner. I handed him the loofah and he squirted some body wash on it and started to wash my body. It felt amazing. Whenever he touched me, I got turned on. If I had on panties they would be soaked through right now. He knelt down and cleaned my feet and legs then back up to my pussy. He did a cursory clean there and my back hole then rinsed me off. “I’d love to do more but our dinner will be here soon. Hop out while I finish and put on something comfortable.” He gave me a kiss on the forehead and swatted my behind. I squealed and laughed.
I dried myself off and used the blow dryer on my hair just to take most of the moisture out of it. Then I put on some joggers and a long shirt. He came out of the bathroom, and I noticed a duffle bag on the floor. He pulled out some sweatpants and pulled those on. We heard the doorbell, so he went to answer it.
We were supposed to eat Chinese food the other night, so I ordered that. I had messaged Sophie to see what she liked to eat. Putting the food on the table I grabbed a few plates and fixed us both some ice water. I put the food in the middle of the table so she could help herself to whatever she wanted. I got plenty to share and to have leftovers.
Cara walked into the room and took a deep breath, smiling. Looking at the food on the table she skipped over and swiped a wonton, putting it in her mouth and moaning.
“Oh, that is so good. How did you know what I liked?” she asked as she saw the sesame chicken, beef and broccoli as well as the egg drop soup and crab wontons.
“I have my sources.” I winked at her and held out a chair for her to sit down. “Let’s eat.”
She put a little bit of everything on her plate and started eating. I loved seeing her have a good appetite. I could tell she was much more relaxed since we got home. I put a notepad and a pen beside her.
“I want you to write down anything that you think you will need for the new clinic and shelter. Think big! We are going to do this right.” I told her as her eyes got wider.
Looking up I realized that she had stopped eating and was staring at my chest. I saw her visibly swallow and lick her lips. Oh, my girl was feeling needy.
“See something you like baby?” I asked her as I got up and walked over to her. She nodded looking up at my face while she slipped her hands into my sweats and lowered them over my ass. I had not put on anything underneath so now she was sitting there with my cock in her face. Looking up at me through her lashes she wrapped a hand around the base and leaned in to lick the precum off the tip before sucking me into her mouth. I moaned. God this woman was a natural.
“Is your throat okay?” I asked her as I prayed, she would say yes. I didn’t want her to have any pain, but I didn’t want her to stop either. This felt so fucking good. She bobbed her head and licked up the shaft circling the head again. She reached around and grabbed my ass pulling me closer to where her nose touched my groin. Seeing her mouth stretched over my shaft was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. It was all she could do to get her mouth around me. I massaged her head as she bobbed, licked and sucked. “Baby, if you don’t want to swallow you better back up because I’m not going to last.” I grunted out. She held me to her and continued until I felt it hit and I released down her throat. She licked me clean and then sat back in her chair with a self-satisfied smile on her face. DAMN!
“That was fun.” She said winking at me. The little minx. She giggled and took a drink of her water. I put the leftovers away and went to sit on the couch with her and the pups. We cuddled while watching a movie. She fell asleep with her head in my lap. Spock was laying at her feet and Kirk was on the floor by the couch. I looked around thinking this was what I wanted for the rest of my life. This sweet woman and her animals made me feel complete. Luckily the barn had been in good shape, so the bare bones were there and with the large crew we hired. They were working around the clock to finish. I could not wait to see her face when she saw everything on the inside. I eased out from under her and moved the pup so I could carry her to bed. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I heard her mumble “I love you, Jimmy.”.
I looked down at the sleepy woman in my arms. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. Placing her under the covers I kissed her on the forehead. “I love you too Cara.” I shucked the sweatpants and crawled in beside her. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day. We had to move the animals to the new shelter and have her check to see if anything else was needed before Saturday’s event. I also needed to get to the bottom of who set the fire in the first place. They could have killed my girl and that was not acceptable. Someone was going to pay.
The next morning, I got a call from Gears telling me to come by the clubhouse. He told me that Cara had cameras on the clinic side and that the footage was sent to the cloud, so he was able to access it. I got up, got dressed and kissed her on the cheek. She was sleeping so soundly I didn’t want to wake her. I left her a note and placed it under her phone where she would see it. I would go see what he had and then come pick her up later. I slipped her keys in my pocket and locked up behind me.
Driving to the clubhouse I thought about the crazy turn this week had taken. I went from slowly courting Cara to claiming her within the week. She seemed fine with it too. She gave me a purpose other than the jobs I did with the club. I was looking forward to the next chapter of my life as long as she was a part of it. Pulling up to the gate, Gator waved me in. Fury’s half brother had turned into a solid member. I parked outside the clubhouse next to my bike. Walking in I saw the guys at the table with Gears sitting in front of his laptop. They all looked pissed.
“What’s up guys?” I asked as I took a seat. Gears rubbed his hand down his face, shaking his head in disgust.