Page 13 of Falling for Fang
Fang left to get things done and I was sitting on the couch contemplating finding a movie to watch or a series on Netflix. I enjoyed mindless television time occasionally. I just didn’t get to do that very often. Thinking about how the past week had gone it felt like it had been a month instead of a week. All the drama, the fire, the crazy woman attacking her in her own home. She was glad she wouldn’t have to ever sleep there again. Looking around at this place she marveled at the turn her life had taken. Her parents had not been crazy about her becoming a vet instead of a surgeon but since it was a medical field they paid for her education and when she graduated, she got her little trust fund. It had not been a lot but enough for her to start her practice.
She thought back to her friendship with Sophie. She had always been there for her and was more like a sister to her. She couldn’t wait to tell her everything. They had not been able to really spend much time together this past week and the hospital time didn’t count because I had been so out of it. She had encouraged me to date Fang and had gone as far as to tell him many of my favorite things to help him out. Flipping through the channels I found one of my favorite shows. I started over with Season one of Grey’s Anatomy. Sophie and I both could watch them over and over. I was on episode two when she knocked on the door and popped her head in.
“The guys are all downstairs, so Fang left the door open for me.” Sophie said as she came in waving ice cream and brownies. There was a reason we were besties.
“Come on in. Please dish it up and come sit. I’m dying for some chocolate.” I said as I licked my lips. She knew I loved Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a warm brownie. Heaven. After fixing us both a bowl she handed me one and sat down by me on the couch. We watched for a bit while we ate and then when we finished, she rinsed the bowls and put them in the dishwasher.
“Ok, we have had dessert and tv time, now dish!” she said with her eyes twinkling. “I have been dying to know how things have been going.”
“I’m sorry we haven’t talked much this week. It has been insane. Things are amazing. He is sweet, sexy, caring, attentive and very thoughtful. We are moving in here together and running the business together. How crazy is that?” I said looking at my friend for support.
“It’s not crazy at all. I have seen him roaming around alone. He gave up the house to his sister and Rider so they could have a home. He has been watching you for well over six months. He just got up the nerve a few months ago to start talking to you. He was so worried you wouldn’t want to date someone that much older than you. I told him he was crazy that you wouldn’t care. I mean, he is a great catch.” Sophie said as she squeezed my hand. “He was so upset when you left the wedding. I have never seen him with her before. He doesn’t bring women here. Fang and Rider are best friends and have been for years. The guys are all pretty tight.”
“It’s like a close-knit family that I never had. It has taken some getting used to but it’s nice. I’m looking forward to the Adoption Day tomorrow even if I have to sit down and supervise rather than help.” I said wistfully.
“Girl, they have gone all out. You will be blown away. They don’t invite people to the property often. There will be security everywhere and all kinds of games and things going on. It will be epic.” Sophie was bouncing in her seat until she saw me wince. “I’m sorry.”
“I know you didn’t mean to; I just can’t move around much yet. I’m so sore and my meds are probably wearing off.” I said, realizing how much my ribs were starting to hurt. “Can you get me some ibuprofen out of the cabinet please?”
“Didn’t Doc give you some real pain medication?” she asked me as she went to look.
“He did but I know it’s going to knock me out.” I told her as I tried to get comfortable again. Just then the door opened, and Fang came in. He took one look at me and could tell I was hurting. Shaking his head he plucked me off the couch and carried me to the bedroom. Sophie brought my drink in with a coaster for the nightstand. She gave me a gentle hug and winked.
“Thanks, Soph, we will see you tomorrow.” Fang said as he got me settled. She closed the door behind her. “I knew you wouldn’t take the pain pill unless I was here to give it to you. Did you eat anything?”
I blushed as I looked at him. I nodded and swallowed the pill. “I had ice cream and brownies.” He chuckled.
“It’ll do.” He tucked me in and kissed me. “I’ll be in the other room. Holler if you need something but I expect you will probably sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. I’ll be here later, baby.” He stroked my hair for a few minutes until the medicine kicked in and I started to fall asleep.
We had all the animals cleaned and fed. They had been out for their evening walk, and we had adoption papers for all the animals prepped and ready to go. The grill was set up along with the bouncy houses, the cotton candy station and the small games. We had set up a bunch of tables under some tents near the barn and one of the local bands was set to come play. Everything was ready for the grand opening of the new Shelter and Clinic. I could not wait to see Cara’s face tomorrow. The women had been cooking up a storm, making potato salad, macaroni salad, coleslaw, baked beans and all kinds of chips. It was going to be a good turnout.
Word was also spread to Freedom since they didn’t have a Shelter there and Bear and his family would be coming along with some of their friends. We looked forward to seeing them. The kids were beyond excited. Cameron, Joshua, Emma and Mattie were thrilled. Now I just needed to get some sleep. I walked up the stairs to our place and went inside to shower before crawling into bed with my girl. She looked so sweet curled on her side with her fist tucked under her chin. Doc suggested an ice pack tomorrow morning for about half an hour before we came down. I would make sure she did that as well as take a half a pill before we headed to the festivities. Crawling in bed beside her I gently eased against her back to support her and rested my hand on her hip. Closing my eyes I let myself drift off.
The next morning, she was groaning as she tried to get up. I jumped out of the bed and came around to her.
“Easy baby, let me help you. I know you need to move around to keep from getting stiff, but you’re bound to be more sore today. Lean on me.” She wrapped one arm through mine, and we walked slowly to the bathroom. I had removed her pants before bed last night, so she just had to raise her shirt to use the toilet. When she finished. I helped her wash her hands.
“Let’s go pick out your clothes and I’ll help you get dressed.” I suggested. She froze.
“All my clothes are in the apartment.” She looked freaked out. I shook my head and opened the closet door.
“How did you get my clothes?” Cara narrowed her eyes at me as she went to choose what she wanted to wear.
“I may have slipped Sophie your keys when you went to sleep and had her bring your stuff over.” I hoped she wasn’t really mad at me because I just wanted to make things easier for her.
“Oh, did she get everything?” she asked me curiously. I nodded and let out the breath I was holding. Smiling, my girl came over and crooked her finger at me. I leaned over and she kissed me silly. “I love you so much Jimmy.”
“I love you too baby. I just want to make your life as easy as I can.” I told her as I gently pulled her against my chest. I had to be careful not to squeeze right now. I stepped back and took the panties and jeans from her hand. “Hold on to my shoulders while I put these on you.”
Once I had her dressed, we went to the kitchen, and I got her settled on the couch with some ice over her ribs. “Doc’s orders.” She wasn’t thrilled. I made her some oatmeal and milk then put half of a pain pill beside the glass.
“I don’t want to be sleepy because of this.” She groaned looking at the pill by her glass.
“You won’t. Doc said half would be fine but would make you more comfortable. Just no alcohol. Of course we are not having that out anyway.” I told her. She finished her food and took her medicine. Looking at the time I could tell she was getting antsy to go. “How about we go on down and see the animals.”