Page 15 of Falling for Fang
“I understand, please let me know you’re okay when you can. I’ll miss you. I love you so much.” I said as I tugged on his arm to kiss him again. “I’m guessing that’s what the packed duffle in the closet is for. A go, bag?”
“You are so smart and yes, we all keep one ready.” He said as he caressed my face. “Be safe, don't overdo it, be careful going up and down the stairs. I wish I had put in a fucking elevator.”
I chuckled at him. I sent him the picture of us from the wedding to his phone. He looked down and smiled at me.
“I have to go but hopefully we will have Dawn and be home in a couple days.” He said as he got up threw on some clothes and then came over and tucked me back in. “Go back to sleep baby.”
“I’ll try, be safe.” I said as I watched him go. A few minutes later Sophie came in and crawled in bed with me. She would probably sleep in the guest room tomorrow but wanted me to know she was here. The dogs just moved over closer to me.
“They will be fine; this is what they really do. Go back to sleep and they will let us know when we get there.” Sophie mumbled before turning over and burying her face in the covers. I had moved over to have his pillow, so she was on my side now. I laid awake until my alarm went off at five. I knew her phone was set for six. I eased out of bed and put on panties then went to start the coffee. I couldn’t believe this was my new home. It was more than twice as big as the apartment I had. I opened the fridge and clearly someone had gone shopping for us. I went back to get dressed and brush my teeth. My hair I just threw into a ponytail. Then I went to get a cup of coffee and make some toast. I would try to just take some Tylenol today. I kept my phone on the charger and made sure my volume was up so that I would hear if he called. When Sophie’s alarm went off, she stumbled in for coffee. I handed her a cup; made it the way she liked it. Then she went to get dressed. After the toast was done, I put some on her plate and a couple on mine. I pulled out the peanut butter because we both liked it on our toast.
“So, I will help you downstairs after I take the dogs down to your office. Then I’ll head to work. Undertaker will be around as well as Hawk, Remy and Luke. Gears, Fang, Axle, Blade, Rider and Fury went along with Doc. He will be there in case she needs medical attention or any of the guys need it. I’ll call you at lunch. You can send Tommy to pick up lunch or one of the guys will probably bring something by.” Sophie finished her breakfast and put her dishes and mine in the dishwasher. “Ok boys,who wants to go outside.”
The boys came barking to the door and waited. They made the stairs with two landings so they would be wider and safer for the dogs and myself. Sophie opened the door, and they ran out to go. Once she got them secured in my office, she came back up to walk down with me. Once I got settled into my office she headed to work, and I started doing paperwork from the event yesterday. Thankfully my client list was online so I started to call everyone and leave voicemails letting them know our new address and to call and reschedule their pets appointments. My phone rang around nine-thirty, it was Fang letting me know they were there and safe for now. He said he would try to actually call me tonight. I told him I loved him and to be careful. I sent Sophie a text that I heard from him, and she replied that she had as well. I looked over the schedule and was satisfied that I had a full schedule for the next few weeks. I was letting Tommy take what he could, and I am just taking the ones he can’t do.
The day went by pretty quickly. Hawk had dropped off some lunch for me and checked to make sure I was doing okay. I had come into my office this morning to find a gift basket from Fang with a huge 40 oz tumbler that was pink and said Dog Mom on it. It was adorable, there were also some chocolates and protein bars along with a cute coffee mug for my desk. I walked to the back to let my dogs in the yard to do their business and feed them. Fang had bought them both beds to put in my office by the window. They also had new toys. He was the sweetest man.
Sophie messaged me about four-thirty to let me know she was on her way back. I did my best to take it easy today. Since we didn’t have any surrenders today it was a light day for me.
We got Dawn’s phone from her roommate. Gears had told her if she ever felt uncomfortable or unsafe to turn it on video so it would also record voices. We were going over the phone listening and watching the last video. We heard some Russian voices in the background and Dawn screaming out descriptions of them and their vehicles. We set up in her dorm and Gears started to hack into the video traffic cams to see what he could find. We had a MC in that area that we were friendly with. They were checking to see what they could find as well. Gears was normally really laid back and easygoing but it you messed with his family or his woman he could be a mean, nasty fucker with a knife. He had no mercy for people who hurt women, children or animals. We were all like that.
I glanced over and saw a picture of Gears, Sophie and Dawn from Christmas over a year ago. It was sweet that she kept it out. They had always been close, and they talked all the time. Gears was a ticking time bomb. I just prayed that we found her in one piece and alive or he would lose his damn mind. Doc was very agitated as well. I knew he had a soft spot for Dawn, but he seemed to look at her differently the last time she was home. He was pacing around the room as well.
“Got it, they are about three blocks from the closest airfield in a hangar. I was able to find a camera feed that they must not realize is still active. Looks like there are only a couple of guards outside. There is a van and a jeep parked in front. We have infrared cameras, and we will leave in twenty minutes. The other MC is going to back us up. They are pretty pissed about the sex trafficking especially in their city. They have the place surrounded. Let’s get going. I want my fucking sister home where she belongs. She can finish school online.” Gears got up and strapped his guns and his knives. He had on his beanie he always wore and looked load for bear.
We drove around the back of the airfield where the local MC told us to park so we would not be seen going in. It was completely dark, and we were all armed and ready with smoke bombs and tear gas. Our masks were on, and we moved in. Doc was in the van waiting. Axle and Blade took out the two guards with silencers, while Fury and Rider went in from the back. Gears and I took the front. There were only four guards inside. One in the can, one standing by the front door, one by the back door and one balls deep in one of the girls. If it was Dawn, he was going to die. We tossed a smoke bomb inside and went in, taking the one at the door first then the one in the bathroom. Fury and Rider took out the two in the back. We opened the windows to air out the gas.
There were six women in the cages and one that was curled into a ball on the floor. We made our way in and unlocked the cages, releasing the girls. We just wanted to find Dawn, the local MC would take care of the rest of them.
“Dawn, baby girl, where are you?” Gears shouted as he looked at the girls to find his sister.
“Austin?” the girl in the corner sobbed. Damn, she was the one being raped. Gears went over to her and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders picking her up.
“Yes, baby sister, it’s me. You’re safe now. I’m so sorry I didn’t get here in time.” He carried her out to the van to Doc. There were tears in his eyes when he looked at her torn dress and the blood on her thighs. There was nothing left of the men in the hangar because we couldn’t take a chance of them alerting any backup. The guys gave blankets to the other girls, and we took them all to the van to be checked over. Doc gave them all bottles of water, and I radioed the president of the local club to come get the others and take them to the hospital. Doc was looking over Dawn, cleaning her up and bandaging her scraps. He wrapped her in a clean blanket and held her in his lap. She clung to him shaking like a leaf. Gears was sitting beside them looking helpless.
We loaded up and headed to the plane we had chartered. The other guys would pick up the van after we left. When we boarded the plane Gears tried to take Dawn from Doc, but she wasn’t having it. She wouldn’t let go of his shirt.
“I’ve got her. You know I won’t hurt her.” Doc said gruffly as he said on the couch and buckled them in together. He had the blanket around her and was gently rocking her and singing to her. She finally went limp in his arms, and he knew she had passed out from sheer exhaustion. Gears sat in the chair closest to them. I sent a message to Cara that we had her and were on our way home. I also told her to let Sophie know that Dawn was in bad shape and therefore Gears was going to be on a hair trigger to just be patient with him.
“I let the girls know we were on our way home. You may want to shoot yours a quick message.” I told Gears. He nodded and pulled his phone out and typed a message then put it back in his pocket and just stared at his baby sister. Knowing she was the one being assaulted when we arrived was fucking with his head. We would need to get her some counseling.
The plane took off for home and we were all silent on the way back. We were thankful to find her alive, but she was not unharmed. That hit home for all of us. We had not slept in over thirty-six hours, and we were all dragging. I had a feeling that Gears was going to want to take Dawn home with him, but Doc was not going to let that happen. When we arrived at the airstrip outside of town, we disembarked and got into our own vehicles. Doc had the Medi-van parked there so he loaded Dawn in the back on the gurney. He wanted to give her something for the pain and to help her sleep, but he didn’t know if she had been drugged. When we got home, they parked by Doc’s house, and he carried Dawn inside with Gears hot on his heels. Axle and I followed them in to keep the peace.
“She needs to go home with me, Doc.” Gears said as he tried to reach for her. Doc stepped in front of him. Axle and Blade back him up.
“I am keeping her here for observation. I’ll need to do an examination on her to see how badly she was hurt and find out if they drugged her. If not, I can administer an antibiotic and some pain medication. It’s easier if I administer it through an IV. She is obviously comfortable with me, and I don’t want to take her to the hospital unless I have to. You are welcome to come by in the morning to check on her.” Doc was trying to be as gentle about it as he could. When he started to put her back down, she whimpered and clung to him. “I need to get her settled and we all need some sleep. I’ll be in the chair by her bed tonight.”
“Fine, I’ll be back tomorrow to check on her.” Gears said as he left. I followed him to my place, and he came up to get Sophie. I unlocked the door, and my girl was asleep on the couch with Sophie on the other side. Gears went over and kissed Sophie.
“Baby, let’s go home.” He whispered to her. Her bag was beside the couch, so he slung it over his shoulder, and they left. I picked up my girl and carried her to our bed. I stripped off my clothes and took a quick shower then crawled in beside her.