Page 115 of Tainted Desire
“Take her home, tie her up, sit on her, whatever you need to do, but make sure she stays put.”
I leaned forward until our noses touched again. “I’ll deal with you later, princess. And it sure as shit won’t be pretty.”
She narrowed her eyes, not even the least bit intimidated by my barely-there hold on my self-control.
“Don’t be a stubborn ass, and hear him out, Alex,” Fee said, then unexpectedly gave me a kiss on my cheek. “You want to hear what he has to say.” And then she pressed her lips against mine.
Just a short peck, but it was enough to make me furious and possessive at the same time. “I’m not listening to traitorous princesses who’re conspiring with the enemy.”
She rolled her eyes—rolled her eyes—and the urge to strangle her and fuck her was like a tidal wave clutching me and turning me upside down in a violent vortex.
“Get her out of my face,” I growled.
Matt grabbed her by the arms and pulled her away.
For a split second, I could see the hurt on her face before she hid it behind another eye roll.
“With that ego of yours running rampant, it’s amazing nobody has actually strangled you in your sleep,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
I barely contained my temper as I watched them leave before Gabe and someone else came dangerously close to me, squeezing between Moretti and me.
Gabe grabbed my chin, forcing my gaze to his. “You should be smarter than to piss off your woman. Now stand down. We’ll hear him out, and if you still want to kill him afterwards, you’ve got it.”
I scowled, then let go of Moretti’s neck.
“Gentlemen,” the other guy, who was built like a tank and spoke in heavily accented English, said, “I suggest we take this to a private room.”
Fucking great.
Could anyone maybe stay out of my fucking business?
I cocked my head and stared at the unwelcome intruder—he looked savage, even in a fitted suit. His tattooed neck and hands completed the look.
“And who might you be?”
“Ivan. Ivan Zotov. It appears we’ve got some shared acquaintances.”
I raised a single brow. “Well, Ivan Zotov.” I took a step closer, and got into his face. “I suggest you don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, if you want to keep it.”
There was no visible reaction on the guy’s face apart from a minuscule rise of the left corner of his mouth. He was amused with not even a speck of fear or respect.
“Alessandro, Zotov, stop the pissing contest. And all three of you, move,” Gabe snarled at me.
And sure enough, the tank and I started to trot next to each other like two choir boys who got scolded by the headmaster while Moretti walked next to Gabe.
“Your brother is very bossy.”
I stared at the guy. “Why exactly are you here?”
Again, with the barely-there raising of the corner of his mouth: “Entertainment.”
I shook my head, then followed Gabe and Franco Moretti into the private meeting room.
And for the first time, I let myself think about my princess. She had looked surprised but not sufficiently guilty for someone who’d just betrayed me.
“Hey, asshole.” I settled on the opposite side of the long table where Franco Moretti took the chair—safety in distance—not that I wouldn’t jump over and rip his throat out with my teeth if I had to. “How do you know Fiona Donnelly? Why was she here? And if your plan was a meeting, why didn’t you just set it up?”