Page 148 of Tainted Desire
“We’ll go through there,” I decided, pointing at the window. “See that tree? We can jump onto it and climb down.”
Jemma stared out the window, then glanced at me sideways. “I’m afraid of heights,” Jemma said hesitantly, biting her lip then straightened. “The second we break the glass, the room will be flooded with guards,” she said “It’s risky.”
I grinned at her, pulled the backpack from my back, and shoved the toolkit into her lap.
“Everything is risky, Jem,” I said, frustration seeping into my voice. I forced it down, replaced it with a new conviction. “You’ve inspired me. Let’s stop pretending we’re good girls and embrace our inner badass.”
She stared at me for three seconds flat, then burst into laughter. “Does that mean you’re in for a shave?”
I dislodged her veil and the wig with one swift motion. “Hair has nothing to do with it, stupid.”
“Okay,” she said, nodding her head. “Let’s do it.”
I helped her out of the gown, and together, we approached the window, its cold glass reflecting our determined faces.
“We can always use a diamond and cut the glass.”
I pulled a screwdriver out of the toolbox and removed the caps of the hinges. “How about you use your superior computer skills and figure out how to just open it?”
With Jemma’s instructions, the help of the internet and with our united strength, we managed to open the window.
Frigid air rushed in and sent chills down my spine. I took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp scent of freedom just outside my reach.
“Will you make it?” Jemma asked, the skepticism in her voice mirroring my own.
I tried to calculate the distance to the tree. It wasn’t a huge jump, but it was enough to make my knees wobbly. “Worst case, I miss and break a leg,” I whispered back. It was just one story up. Not high enough to die if I were to fall down. Right?
“Here goes nothing.” I hoisted myself up onto the windowsill. The rough edge of the stone bit into my palms, but I welcomed the pain; it reminded me that I was still alive, still fighting.
I grabbed the frame, locked my knees, and stepped out onto the narrow ledge.
Holy shit, this was scary as fuck.
My heart ached for Alex’s presence, his strong arms to protect me, but I couldn’t afford to dwell on that now.
I had to save myself.
I straightened. The wind whipped my hair around my face, the sensation both exhilarating and terrifying.
I’d never been brave. Had always hidden behind my sarcasm and snarky humor. But this. Now. It was time to take the step.
Time to be brave.
My heart raced, pounded hard against the walls of my chest which made breathing hard. But I couldn’t let fear hold me back, not when I was so close to escaping this gilded cage, and the alternative was so appalling.
“Be careful!” Jemma whispered from inside the room. I looked at her for a second and registered the concern etched on her face.
I couldn’t afford to hesitate. I focused back on the tree’s branches, swaying tantalizingly close. I chose one that looked reasonably sturdy, hesitated for just a moment before I bent my knees and took the leap.
My body propelled forward through the air, fuelled by sheer desperation. My hands latched onto the thick branch, just as planned, the rough bark scraping away the skin of my palms.
And then it snapped beneath my weight…and I plummeted towards the ground.
“NO!” Jemma screamed, her voice echoing through the air as I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. That never came. Instead, something…someone broke my fall.