Page 158 of Tainted Desire
I dragged her outside where Cristo was waiting. There was no trace of my father, which I was extremely thankful for. As soon as we were up in my room and closed the door behind us, Jemma visibly deflated and sank down on the bed. “I’m in trouble.”
“In trouble?”
She nodded. “He knows.”
I raised my brows. “What would he know?”
Jemma took a deep breath, then grabbed her laptop bag, stuffed her laptop inside, and faced me again. “If I show up dead in a ditch, it was him. Now pack your things, and let’s get out of here.”
I stared at her for a while until she went into my closet, pulled out a suitcase, and threw random clothes inside. I looked around in my room. There wasn’t anything here that I couldn’t live without.
So instead of helping Jemma pack up my things, I stared out of the window, which Jemma had somehow repaired, at the broken branch on the ground.
I had gotten lucky. And not only because Alex was there to break my fall.
“I’ll get on my knees, tell you how much I love you, beg you to stay by my side for the rest of our lives, and to come home with me.”
I was lucky because I found a man willing—or stupid enough—to give his life for mine, willing to do whatever it took to keep me safe and happy, and who loved me exactly as I was.
And now, it was time to create the life of our dreams.
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
I opened my eyes and looked up into Alex’s face, then realized he was carrying me. “We’re here?”
He nodded and grinned. “You fell asleep as soon as we boarded the plane.”
I narrowed my eyes. That was not something that usually happened to me. At all. “Did you put something in my water?”
He looked offended for a moment, then raised a single eyebrow. “Why would I do that when I could’ve introduced you to the mile-high club on our flight over?”
I took a beat, then nodded. Thinking about it, that would’ve been the more Alex-like thing to do. “Then how did I sleep during the whole flight?”
Alex locked eyes with me, suddenly all sense of humor completely gone. “How well did you sleep the last couple of days?”
I inhaled. Not good at all. I’d felt confused, anxious, and utterly alone. So not good at all.
“That’s what I thought,” Alex said, then leaned forward and kissed my nose. “Add that to your stunt from this afternoon, and it’s no wonder you were out like a light.”
This afternoon. Me jumping out of the window, Alex catching me, and the tense situation afterwards.
“What happened after I dragged Jemma out of there?”
Alex looked at me, but there was a storm brewing in his eyes. I’d asked him on our way toward the airport, but he’d refused to answer. “Alex. You told me you loved me.”
He nodded.
“That means you can’t keep important things from me.”
He nodded again.
He sighed, and if he hadn’t been carrying me, he probably would’ve used his hand to run it through his hair. “Let’s talk when we arrive at the hospital, so I don’t have to repeat everything.”