Page 161 of Tainted Desire
“Hell, yes, we’ll figure something out,” Matt huffed. “Because I sure as shit am not going to marry anyone just to increase our family’s power.”
Fee looked from me to Matt, and then she suddenly flew to his side, enveloping him in a fierce hug.
Matt winced as she squeezed too tight, and I gently pried her away. “Careful, princess, he’s still recovering.”
“I’m fine,” Matt protested, though he was pale beneath his tan.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you…again.” Tears clogged her voice, and I pulled her tighter against me and wrapped my arms around her from behind.
“I’m so sorry I left you alone. I should have fought more, should’ve stayed with you.”
Matt and I exchanged glances, and I could see the same fierce protectiveness in his eyes that I felt for Fee. We had both grown to love this resilient, fiery woman, and we would do anything to keep her safe.
Matt sighed when he focused back on Fee. “You couldn’t have done anything.”
Fiona shook against my body, big tears running down her face.
I led her to the chair at the side of Matt’s bed and pulled her into my lap. My fingers brushed through her soft hair. I wanted to shield her from every ounce of pain and fear that haunted her, but I knew I couldn’t promise her that.
All I could do was hold her close and hope that my presence would offer some small comfort. “If anyone is at fault, it’s me for getting angry and sending you both away,” I murmured into her hair.
“Alex is right,” Matt chimed in, his voice strained but steady. “We’re the ones who should’ve been protecting you.”
The weight of Fiona’s body pressed against mine gave me so much peace—much more than I ever thought possible.
She wiped at her tears. “How’re you doing now?” she asked softly, her voice ringing with concern.
“Much better thanks to that useless bodyguard over there,” Matt joked, shooting me a playful grin.
I could see the pain hidden beneath his smile, but he was trying to hide it for Fee’s sake.
“Hey, at least I didn’t total a Ferrari,” I retorted, joining in on the teasing.
Matt and I chuckled.
“Ouch.” Matt winced. “Laughing hurts.” He attempted to shift in his hospital bed and immediately regretted it as pain twisted his features. “Enough about me—tell me what went down in Ireland.”
“This crazy woman here jumped out of a window,” I said.
Fee turned her head to me. “This crazy bastard just walked in front of a firing squad and got shot.”
I grinned at her. I could feel the bruise building on my chest, but no ribs got broken, so… “It was a stalemate, and I had a vest on.”
“A little tiny fact he forgot to tell me,” she said, glaring at me.
“So, nothing much happened except for my brother losing his mind, then,” Matt said.
All three of us chuckled which ended with another wince from Matt. Matt’s face suddenly turned serious.
“What do you think is going on with Vince?” I asked, my voice low and cautious.
“I don’t know,” Matt said. “Vince never does anything without a plan. It’s not like him to make such demands, especially putting a random girl in the middle of all this.”
“Could it be some kind of power play?” I suggested, my thoughts racing. Vince had been on edge, but I never would’ve thought he’d go this far. Especially since Vince was more against “doing it the old way” than anyone.
“Maybe,” Matt replied, his eyes clouded with uncertainty. “But it doesn’t make sense. What does he hope to gain from it?”
Before we could discuss it further, the door creaked open, and Gabe poked his head in. “Everyone decent?”