Page 167 of Tainted Desire
Jemma chuckled. “They should’ve gone somewhere alone for their honeymoon.”
“Yeah, right?” Matt shouted. “That’s what I’ve been saying all along. Their lovey-dovey behavior is gross and annoying as hell.”
“I bet,” Jemma mock-shouted as well.
“Here you are.”
Alex stopped the kiss with one last peck, then straightened, rounded the sofa, and pulled me flush against him.
But all I could focus on was Jemma’s reaction to Vince, who’d just entered the room.
She jumped up, then crossed the room until she was flush against him—not really in his face, because of their height difference, but there wasn’t any space between them either. “You.”
“Me, what?” he said, and something in his voice was strange. Was he hiding a laugh? Was the bastard enjoying the scene?
Matt jumped up, and I did the same, but I stopped when Alex wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me back down onto his lap.
He laid a finger over my lips, then turned us sideways, and we watched the scene unfold before us.
My instincts told me to go between Vince and Jemma and protect her.
But Matt was already on his way…until he suddenly stopped in the middle of the room.
There was an almost tangible energy field surrounding Jemma and Vince. Powered by hatred?
“Holy shit.”
Matt took a couple of steps back and sat down on the backrest of the sofa next to us. “Do you see what I see?”
Matt looked at Alex, and I did, too.
Alex’s grin was nothing short of evil. “There’s some serious chemistry going on between those two.”
I looked at Jemma and Vince again. Vince had backed Jemma against another shelf and was towering over her. “Serious hate, you mean,” I said and tried to get up again. I was here to protect Jemma, and that was exactly what I was going to do.
“Look again, princess,” Alex whispered in my ear and pulled me tighter against his body.
And I did. I looked at the scene unfolding before me. By now, Jemma had gone quiet, and Vince was whispering in her ear.
The scene didn’t look violent until Jemma suddenly pulled back and handed out an uppercut worthy of being filmed.
“Or maybe the feeling isn’t mutual,” Matt said and chuckled when Vince winced.
Alex grinned, as well, and I looked from Matt to Alex and back. “You two are morons,” I said with a heavy dose of indignation, untangled myself, and got up to follow Jemma out of the room.
When I passed Vince, who was still holding his cheek, I shot him a dry look. “You deserved that, you big bully.”
He didn’t look nearly guilty enough, but when I tried to exit the room, ready to hurry after Jemma and return the favor and help her escape from this horrible situation, Vince’s grip on my forearm held me back.
“Alex. Take control of your woman,” he growled.
I rolled my eyes at Vince. If I’d learned one thing by now it was that the most dark and dangerous Mafia men actually had hearts of gold buried deep within.
Was he the exception?
“There’s no controlling a Donnelly,” Alex said, but grabbed me from behind and pulled me against his broad chest.