Page 21 of Tainted Desire
I leaned back and watched their animated discussion and found myself agreeing with her arguments and logic. But I was also kind of surprised. Nothing I’d learned about her so far had given me any indication she was as self-absorbed as I thought she was. No more than a pretty face, interested in partying and pretty clothes.
Far from it.
And not in a thousand years would I have pegged her as an environmentalist.
But her worldview wasn’t far off from mine.
I’d always been interested in nature. As a young boy, I’d spent hours outside. If it wasn’t for Gabe leaving and me stepping up, who knows, maybe I could’ve gone to university and studied biology.
No use in going there. Also, I was starting to enjoy Fiona’s presence more than I should. Her maturity, despite her age, was captivating, her people skills were admirable, and her enthusiasm was contagious.
And the more time I spent with her, watched her and listened to her, the more I wanted to spend more time with her.
This was dangerous territory I was treading.
Time to end this.
I got up, paid the tab of all the customers, then looked outside.
There was another black motorcycle parked not that far away from ours.
No driver.
Nothing suspicious except for the nagging feeling in the back of my mind. I checked my ankle holster, then went back to the table.
“Let’s get going, I don’t have all day.”
She glared at me but ultimately said goodbye to her new friends and followed me to my bike.
“Are you just rude on principle, or do you do it to keep up your bad motherfucker image?”
I chuckled, slipped the helmet onto her head, closed the buckle, and gave her a tap for good measure. “Princess, I am a bad motherfucker. I don’t need the image.”
She scoffed, but climbed on behind me.
I took a look in the rearview mirror as we sped away. The black bike was still there.
But completely out of place.
The island’s charm unfolded around us on our way to Valetta. It had been a couple of years since I’d taken the time to roam the island like a tourist.
It had been a couple of years since I focused on anything else but the business and following in my father’s footsteps.
Only, he wasn’t my father.
I was not a Falcone.
I’d never been.
I focused on our surroundings. Driving with Fee against my back was easy. She leaned into each turn behind me, her grip tight, and her body perfectly fitted against mine, like two puzzle pieces clicking together.
Only after a while, I got the feeling of something being off.