Page 70 of Tainted Desire
Which meant I did not have breakdowns and panic attacks, ending up in someone’s arms on a daily basis.
I hadn’t had any sexual encounters since or talked about what had happened either, so maybe the triggering was the problem.
Maybe being here with Sophie and now Cara wasn’t such a good idea.
Being around Alex definitely wasn’t.
And being sandwiched in bed between Matt and Alex was the epitome of a bad idea. So what if the presence of the two men made me feel safer than I’d felt ever since the kidnapping?
Warmth spread through me, and I felt cozy and sleepy.
“Are you enjoying the movie?” Alex asked, his voice low and soothing.
I blinked, turned my head, then looked into his dark eyes.
The pull I felt towards him was both intriguing and frightening. Why was he suddenly such a gentleman when I knew for a fact what an insensitive asshole he could be?
Protective instincts?
Or did he feel the pull, as well?
“More than I thought I would,” I admitted.
I turned on my side toward Alex, and laid down my head. Why was I suddenly so sleepy?
The comfort and warmth of Alex’s and Matt’s body heat, the sounds of the movie, and the softness of the pillow lulled me into a deep sense of well-being. I closed my eyes for just a second—the movie we watched was almost over anyway, so maybe closing my eyes, just to rest them for a little was fine.
And then I was back in the room.
Cold, naked, captured.
Cara and Jemma hovered beside me, sharing our body heat and comforting each other as well as we could.
The echo of footsteps outside sent ice through my veins. I knew what those noises meant—one of us was about to be chosen, just like Sophie had been before she disappeared.
“What do you think happened to Sophie?” Jemma whispered, her eyes wide with fear, her voice trembling.
We hadn’t seen her since she was taken the day before, and I couldn’t shake the terror clawing at me for just thinking of her.
“Shhh,” I whispered, then squeezed their hands before letting go of them.
The door creaked open, and I braced myself for whatever came next. Until now, none of the men had picked Cara, Jemma, or me. But our luck would run out eventually.
A burly man entered the room, flashlight in hand, and shone it into each of our faces. When he stopped at Jemma, my body tensed.
Thank God, he moved on.
To me.
When the beam landed on me, my heart thundered in my chest and in my ears. I was so scared, I could barely breathe. But then he moved on, only to stop at Cara’s face.
He grabbed her arm, making her cry out in pain. She turned her head. I could feel her eyes on me, could feel the terror coming off of her in waves.
A jolt of shock reverberated through my body, and Sophie’s last words echoed in my mind.
Protect Cara and Jemma.