Page 11 of Queen's Crusade
I sat up, pushing Rik higher above the bed so I didn’t accidentally touch him. “Who’s first?”
* * *
I almost felt sorry for Rik, but the young fool had brought our queen’s wrath down on his head all by himself.
I’d toss my Templar sword into the deepest part of the ocean before I’d let another Blood beat me in this competition. I’d chosen my place at her side with the forethought earned through centuries of experience. Already between her thighs, I turned my head and covered her sex with my mouth.
The taste of her cum mixed with her blood on my tongue, making my heart thunder in my chest. I plunged my tongue inside her hot cunt, licking and sucking on her flesh until she writhed and clutched my head in her hands. Her silver-tipped nails dug into my skin, droplets of blood welling on my cheeks and temples. Feeding her—even as I feasted.
“G,” she groaned. Shuddering, her thighs tightening on my head.
Gripping her around the waist, I heaved myself backwards, lifting her up at the same time so she ended up on top of me. My head cracked into someone unlucky enough to be near the foot of the bed, but I didn’t care. Not with the way she looked at me, eyes wide and dark, pupils blown. So fucking needy. Staring at my cock, she licked her lips and rose up to take me inside her.
Slow, sweet torture. Working her hips side to side, she took me deeper, panting and groaning until she took me to the hilt. “Not easy,” she gasped out, half laughing. “You’re too damned big.”
I couldn’t resist a dig at the others, but especially our alpha. “I always say it’s best to start with the biggest.”
The other Blood crowded us. Still feeding. Stroking her body. Mehen, the bastard, tried to haul her up off me so he could take over.
:Not fucking happening,: I growled, tightening my grip on her thighs.
:Don’t make me put my balls in your face,: he snarled back.
Blood splattered my chest and face. A lick told me it was Mehen’s. Good.
:Poke me again with that blade—: he started to retort but Itztli cut him off.
:Don’t make me put my balls in your face.:
Whatever Mehen might have said was cut off by his roar of release. Our queen sank her fangs into him, and he was done. Though now I was wearing his cum and his blood.
Itztli didn’t say a word, but his grim satisfaction glittered in the bond like his obsidian blade.
:I’ve always liked you,: I told him approvingly.
:Same. No offense.: And then his blade sliced across my chest.
I could only laugh as she jammed her nails deep into me, even while she drained Mehen dry. At least her nails wouldn’t make me climax immediately, but I wouldn’t last long if she was feeding on me. Unless…
I tried to sit up, but bodies were in the way. I tore bites into the offending flesh until I could curl around her. I bit into the top of her shoulder, pinning her tight between dick and fangs.
Her body quivered and twisted in my arms, so sinuously that I thought she might slip into the cobra queen. No matter.
She could bite me in half, and I’d still take her for the ride of her life.
I probably shouldn’t drain Mehen to unconsciousness again so soon, but my hunger raged out of control. Maybe that’s why I was so pissed at Rik. Or maybe my anger fed the hunger ravaging through me. I wasn’t sure.
My veins felt shriveled and desiccated like the mummy we’d discovered in the basement of the tower. Nerves crackled up and down my spine and limbs, sharp lightning bolts of sensation making me twitch and moan. Also fed by the gigantic dick pressing up against my cervix. Guillaume was hung like his hell horse, so taking him to the hilt always made me frantic. It felt like he shifted my organs around, taking up every square inch of space inside my body.
Rich, powerful, ancient blood of two impressive Aima flowed into me like molten rivers. And it wasn’t enough.
Leviathan, king of the depths, made a low, deep sigh in the bond. Not a growl. A snore. Deep in slumber, Mehen sagged heavily against me. I pushed him away with a wave of power and another Blood immediately took his place. Sleek, strong throat against my face, silken hair trailing over my cheek. He already bled from a tidy but deep cut, straight into his jugular. His blood tasted like a deep, dark jungle, roasted coffee, and cacao. The warm fur of a dog against my face. A deep mournful howl in the night.