Page 142 of Queen's Crusade
The kind of love he’d never even allowed himself to think about. Let alone hope for.
Desire. To be a part of me forever. To feel my body against his. Any and all bodies. My other Blood. Starved his whole life in all ways, every sensation felt like razors slicing him apart, but he craved it. He wanted more and more, until no part of him remained untouched by a loving hand or body.
This was good pain, and he wanted it all. To make him forget everything else.
Keeping the thicker band of hair around his throat so he didn’t lose the sensation of being controlled, I parted the rest of my hair wrapped around him so I could slowly unbutton his shirt. I pushed it off and down his arms, baring his heavy shoulders for my hands. The sculpted muscle of his broad chest, tapering down to his waist.
Fingers on his fly, I watched his eyes. Listening to his bond. His pulse jumped in his throat, and he licked his lips. Flashing the sparkling sharpness of his teeth. He’d climaxed already with Tlacel and Nevarre, but his dick was rock hard again. Chained up as a monster, he’d never had the opportunity to have sex.
“I want to do this right for you.”
He blinked rapidly, his gaze flickering to Rik at my back.
My alpha pressed his mouth to my throat and licked a path up to my ear that had me squirming against him in seconds. “Anything you do will be right for him.”
“Please.” Vore’s voice roughened with desperation. As if he feared I’d change my mind. “My queen.”
With extra emphasis on “my.”
Usually my alpha squashed any possessiveness from the other Blood with a hard thump, but he didn’t react to Vore. :You’re his salvation, my queen. I’m not going to thump him for needing you to save him when no one else can.:
My throat tightened. :Have I told you lately how much I love you?:
:Every fucking second of every single day.:
I jerked open Vore’s pants. I used my hair to pull him to his feet so I could strip him. Higher, so he dangled off the ground. Just to show him I could. To reassure him of my strength before I took him fully.
His head fell back, his face softened. Peaceful. Sliding into bliss before I even took him inside me.
Rik shifted our bodies so he could lean back against the chaise and hold me, while I held Vore. I pulled him up against me, wrapping my arms and legs around him. Locking my heels around his back. I ran my hands over his body, stroking everywhere I could reach. He glided into me. Not thrusting or straining but simply a part of me. Melting into me.
I sank my fangs into his throat, and his spine bowed. His body jerking on top of me. His soft exhalation of pleasure louder to me than the screams of agony. He poured into me, his blood hot on my tongue despite the crisp, cool mountain spring flowing through my mind.
Closing my mouth over the punctures, I drank him down, pulling on him hard. He needed to feel the depths of my hunger. The rawness of my need. Even with so many Blood already. I drank a long time. Long enough I almost felt… full. For now.
Rik chuckled softly. “A feat indeed, my queen.”
Pleasantly buzzed, I licked Vore’s throat and released him. Sure that my eyes were just as fuzzy as his now. He lifted his head so he could see my face, his hands braced on either side of me on the chaise. Searching my gaze, he pushed into the bond, surprising me with a hard shove into my mental space.
I could block him out—if I ever wanted or needed to. But I didn’t want to keep him out of my mind.
“You’re not going to lock me up?”
“No.” My eyes narrowed. “I thought I made that abundantly clear.”
“You’re not going to starve me?”
Now I was starting to get offended. “Absolutely not. I’m not going to silence you either. Or chain you up or toss you in a prison.”
“You feed us? And fuck us? All of us?”
I used the tip of my longest nail to prick the soft skin beneath his throat. “Every single one of you.”
“Goddess.” He smiled, his eyes soft and shining. “I never dreamed it could be like this.”
Tears burned my eyes and I pressed another gentle kiss to his mouth. Vicious teeth and all. “Every fucking day.”