Page 31 of Queen's Crusade
“All better,” she said in a bright voice. “Wait, where’d my clothes go?”
“She’s fine,” G said, amusement softening his voice. “She’s blood drunk, not hurt.”
“And that dick? I want it back.”
:You fucking heard her!:
“Not so fast, motherfucker,” the dragon snarled.
“Agreed,” the alpha said, though he did at least allow me to draw breath. “How drunk are you, my queen?”
She giggled, lifting her hands up. “Help me up.”
The horse pulled her to her feet, keeping an arm around her when she swayed. I smelled dog and wolf. Something fiery like burned spices. The alpha and dragon, of course.
So much power, even for a daughter of the Great One.
Such immense hunger. I’d seen her calling Blood after Blood, but still, I had no idea it would feel like this.
Un-fucking-believable. They had no idea what she’d done. Evidently, neither did she.
Staggering closer to us, she beamed up at her alpha. “I feel better. Everyone can feed now.”
The dragon pulled back and thrust hard enough a grunt escaped my lips. “Not you.”
“Oh.” Her eyes went round, her mouth sagging open. “That’s so fucking hot.”
I couldn’t help but groan again, a wordless plea. Come closer. Touch me. Let me touch you.
Her cheeks blazed bright red, and she covered her mouth. “Goddess, I’m so sorry. Are you okay with… with…” She gestured vaguely at the dragon humping me.
The alpha unlocked his forearm from my throat, though he didn’t move aside. “He gets what he deserves, my queen, and nothing less.”
A test. The rational part of my brain recognized his actions for what it was. More like a trap, honestly, because now she stood before me, and it was madness not to touch her.
This queen. Who’d ended my eternal watch and called me to her side. Who’d made me a living, breathing being with the formidable strength of her will alone. She’d danced and bathed in my blood like the goddess who made me.
Goddess fucking incarnate, graced with beauty and strength. Thick, black hair gleamed down her back like a velvet cape. Her midnight eyes shone like the stars and moon above. Lush, sweet curves to drive any man to his knees, praising the goddess who’d made her. Begging for a chance to worship at her altar.
All I wanted to do was ignore her alpha’s instruction—reinforced by his fists—and drag her back beneath me. Lust hammered through me, a vicious, brutal spike of desperation. Plan B. I rocked back against the dragon, rearing back against him so my erection was on display for her. I groaned roughly, taking him deeper, not afraid to let her hear my need. I’d fucking beg the alpha to let me suck him off too if that eventually brought her closer.
Though the dragon knew all too well what my motivation was. He and I were woven from the same fibers, though where he had scales, I had razor wire. He shoved me back down beneath him, with an extra hard elbow between my shoulder blades. Putting my face in the fucking ground where I couldn’t even see her.
Plan C. Two could play this fucking game. At least now I was closer to her spilled blood on the ground. Cold, a little gritty, but after thousands of years, I’d eat the grass from the entire clearing like the fucking horse just to get another taste of her.
I dug my fingers into the ground, tearing up the earth. Inching my fingers perilously closer to her bare toes.
“Don’t be so mean,” she scolded.
“He fucking touched you!” The dragon gnashed his teeth, the fierce clang of swords. “When you were unaware. That’s fucking unforgivable.”
Those pretty little toes moved closer. She stood between my splayed hands. Closer. My outstretched arms trembled with the effort of not seizing her. Her scent filled my nose, and a strange pang seized my heart in a fist of granite to rival the alpha’s.
Home. She smelled like home. Shining moonlight on crystal sands, holy incense softly wafting on a gentle breeze with a hint of pure, clear water sparkling in a deep, secret pool. Sprinkled with velvety petals of fragrant flowers.
The kind of place a goddess would bathe.
“I sucked him hard.” She dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, as if only the dragon could hear. “Like when I pulled your dragon out. Remember? I drained you to the point of death, so close to killing you. If either of us had been able to walk, I would have fucked you on the hillside then, my dragon.”