Page 34 of Queen's Crusade
I still gripped G’s dick against my body. His rock-hard thigh beneath me. Blindly, I reached out with my left hand.
Rik’s fingers closed around mine. He dropped down to his knees beside us. I wanted to touch him. Needed to feel the hot granite of his need in my other hand. I didn’t have to ask. He sensed my desire and wrapped my palm around his dick, gliding our hands up and down his length. Pushing me closer to spilling over.
Though it was a slow, long tumble over an endless waterfall, taking us all to crash in the rocks below.
Pleasure still eddied inside me as I came back to awareness. Two dicks still gripped in my hands. Sekh collapsed on top of me. Mehen a dead weight on top of us both, still mumbling and moaning incoherently.
Someone laughed. “Fuck me sideways.” It took me a moment to recognize Ezra’s voice. “That gives new meaning to double fisting.”
My head didn’t feel attached to the rest of my body. Maybe I was still blood drunk. “At least I didn’t take them on top of the table.”
Mehen heaved out a deep, rattling breath though his head still lolled over Sekh’s shoulder. “What the fuck did you do to me?”
“Only what you deserved and nothing less.” Sekh lay curled on my left side, his head pillowed on his elbow. His golden eyes still burned with slumberous heat as he looked at me. “One of my many powers is transference, Your Majesty. I can shift any sensation to a target of my choice and magnify its effect a hundredfold.”
I grinned at him. “So you shifted the orgasm of my bite to him and basically blasted him to queendom come. Nice.”
His lips quirked. “You have no idea what you’ve done, do you?”
I blinked, slowly shaking my head.
“You took us all,” he answered softly. “Including me.”
“And who the fuck are you?” Ezra retorted.
Sekh’s eyelids weighed heavier, sleepier, though his bond stilled with the kind of deadly menace that usually rolled from Xin or Guillaume when they were hoping I’d send them into another queen’s nest.
“Sekh.” He said his name with a hard kuh on the end, giving it a second syllable. “General of the All Seeing, Never Sleeping Legion of She Who Dances In Blood.”
Calling a goddess’ general to my Blood wasn’t on my bingo card.
I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it. Not that he was a powerful general. That part made absolute and complete sense. His controlled, confident stride and direct, penetrating gaze gave him the aura of a supremely confident, dangerous leader. Not just any leader, either, but someone with the mental and physical strength to command a legion of bloodthirsty killers.
No, what I struggled to comprehend was the fact we’d just fucked said confident, powerful general.
Though we were far from unscathed.
Rik carried me to the house because my legs still wobbled. My vision kept swimming in and out of focus. Plus, my blood circle had been penetrated yet again by an outside force. Mehen was slung between Guillaume and Ezra, head down, his steps more shuffled stumbles than walking. Of course neither of them were too careful with him, either, casually dumping him into a heap on the floor in front of the fireplace. Rik started to walk past his crumpled form.
“Wait, let me see if I can heal him.”
Silent, Sekh stood off to the side, his shoulders relaxed, his arms loose at his side. Naked, of course, because we all were after the Blood had shifted. Evidently my clothes had been shredded off me without me even realizing it. He didn’t have any weapons. He made no threats. Yet the hairs on my nape prickled with apprehension every time I looked at him.
So fucking dangerous. He may have answered my Call, but he wasn’t the kind of man who’d bend his head easily to any queen. This went deeper than alpha or whose dick was bigger. He was a sacred guardian created by Sekhmet Herself.
Who was I to interfere in Her work for him?
Evidently, his queen. For now. If he deigned to stay. I wasn’t one-hundred percent sure that my blood bond would be enough to hold him if and when he decided to leave.
Grudgingly, Rik squatted down by Mehen, who still mumbled incoherently. I smelled his blood, but I didn’t remember biting him. Touching his bond was like sticking my arm into a fire ants’ nest—with honey smeared to my elbow. Angry buzzing, stinging, a whirlwind of shrapnel that cut through our bond, making me wince.
I laid my hand on his shoulder, and he shuddered, moaning, his legs and arms twitching. Even more concerned, I lifted a nail toward my wrist, intending to call my blood so I could heal him, but Rik closed his fingers around my hand. “He’s fine.”