Page 41 of Queen's Crusade
Her hunger was so immense her goddess had given her numerous ways to feed. Praises be to the Great One and the Mother of All for creating such a daughter of blood. Let her sink her teeth into me for all eternity.
Her bond rippled with flames, slicing through my body like the knight’s sword. Shifting to one side so she could keep her nails in me, I knelt beside her and swept my bleeding arm in an arc over her legs. I snagged the hem of the gown and dragged it up in a slow, torturous reveal. Watching the way my blood seeped through the thin cotton to smear her skin. Teasing myself with each inch of her body. I kneaded her calves and knees, rubbing my blood deeper. Her thighs spread wide, a siren call, though that meant I lost her nails in my calf. I rubbed my wounded shoulder against her inner thigh, fighting the urge to seize her hand and gouge a vicious tear in my throat so I could bleed directly into her pussy.
“Bite me,” she whispered. “Make me bleed.”
A tremor rocked through me. Such delicate flesh to have near my canines. Delicious torture for us both, especially after I’d accidentally ripped her throat out earlier.
Trust indeed.
I scraped my teeth along her inner thigh, licking her soft skin. Tissue paper thin, so delicate, blood pounding just beneath the surface. An invitation I couldn’t refuse. I sank my canines into her femoral artery.
Hot blood sprayed directly into my face. Molten, liquid passion, blazing with the heat of her body. The fire of her hunger. Stirring my own to a fevered pitch.
Her alpha rumbled a low warning, not liking the waste of such precious blood.
:I’ll pay her back every drop a hundred fold.:
I gripped her thigh in my jaws, capturing the spurting fountain on my tongue. I didn’t have to swallow. I just opened my throat and let her pour into me. I tugged on her leg, sharp, small jerks. Letting her feel the power in my jaws. I could rip her joint apart with a hard jerk of my head. I could shred her flesh from her bones and feast like the lion roaring deep inside me. Though it wasn’t the lion who wanted to pound her with all the force in my body. The ram pawed the ground, head lowered, ready to crash into her. Two beasts, wrestling for supremacy inside me. Bite and rend, or slam into her with all my strength.
She decided the war by jamming her nails into my throat and pulling me up her body. I shredded the fragile fabric from her body, desperate to feel every inch of her against me.
Her pussy was just as hungry as she was for my blood. Swallowing me up, sucking me deeper. Locking me tight.
I ground against her, trying to imprint myself on her. She had so many Blood already, though I hadn’t met them all yet.
None of them were guardians created by a goddess. None of them brought her a legion. Though I wanted to be more than her general.
:You are,: she whispered in my mind, hugging me closer. Her body wrapped around me, dragging me down to the depths like an anchor. :I only call Blood I love.:
I thrust again, feeling the surge of her hunger. Her body coiled tighter, her fangs glistening, though she waited, denying herself. Giving me as long as possible.
I strained harder, a raft breaking itself apart on a treacherous reef. My spine burned, my muscles quivering with effort. I sank my teeth into her shoulder, pinning her. Feeding on her.
Hunger spiraled higher, blending with her pleasure. Her climax a crystal pure spring bubbling up from the earth. She quivered beneath me, her hips arching up to take me deeper. Slammed to the hilt, I couldn’t pull back for another thrust. My bones liquified, dissolving. Sinking. Into her.
She jammed her glorious fangs into the other side of my throat and my spine bowed. A million volts of electricity shot through my nerves, lighting up my entire body. Winds howled through me. Sand blasting me from the inside out, scouring my bones to blistering white, cleaned of every speck of flesh.
A dark shadow rose in my mind, swaying back and forth, a sinuous wave that hypnotized me. Red glinted at the top, a priceless, glittering jewel. White glistened against the black, brutal swords to hack and slice through my flesh. Coils squeezed around my lungs, suffocating me.
Choke. Hold. Never. Letting me go.
I fell into the dark maw of the cobra’s gaping mouth, and the real feast began.
My hunger rose in a brutal wave, fueled by his. Surging with our pleasure, a dangerous spiral ever higher.
I sucked him harder, guzzling his blood as deeply as I had from the sphinx statue, and there was no dipping wane in his strength. Especially when he was also feeding on me. Our bodies entwined, locked together as surely as Leviathan and my wyvern in a death spiral.
When we crashed toward the ground…
:I’ll catch you,: Rik swore. :Though I won’t allow it to go that far.:
I felt my alpha’s concern, perched like a hawk beside us, watching intently. Calculating how far and high my hunger might soar before he needed to intervene. An image flashed in my head: his mighty fists pummeling Sekh. Trying to get him off me. While Sekh glared at him and bit me ever harder.
Another throbbing clench pulsed through my pussy, making me groan. My fingers dug in harder, one set of nails in his throat and the other raking his back. Shredding his skin. Not that he cared in the slightest.