Page 100 of Bite of Desire
Dread claimed me as he spoke. I winced when he cut me again, dragging his nail along my throat. This one was deeper than the first, and blood began soaking my shirt collar. The vampire to my right shifted as I heard him inhale a long breath. Jasper stood behind Amaros, and I guessed he was older, since he didn’t look affected by my exposed blood.
“You get a five-minute head start,” Amaros said as he released me. “You have a weapon. Kill them or let them feed. Your choice, Kali. One warning—they don’t have the control to stop once they start eating.”
I stumbled back a step, and the two young vampires tracked my every move. “A head start for what?”
“Whatever you want. Hide. Plan. Try to run away.” He tapped his watch. “Better get going. Or stand there. Then, when the five minutes are up, these two will rip your throat out.”
My chest heaved as I backed up more. Amaros was playing with me. There was a reason he’d dragged me out here, but I didn’t doubt for a moment that he was lying. If I stayed here, then I was absolutely going to die. Spinning around, I made sure to have a firm grip on the stake before racing deeper into the thick trees.
My eyes adjusted to the darkness as well as they could, and I was surprised that I could make out more than I originally thought. I couldn’t see much, but it was enough for me to run and not smack into any trees. Reaching up, I wiped my shirt over the wounds, trying to stop the bleeding. Not that it would do much. They’d still be able to smell it.
I sucked in even breaths, attempting to calm my heartbeat. They’d be listening for me, and I didn’t want to make it easier for them to find me. I didn’t stop moving, even though I had no idea where I was. Or where I was going. Soon, I found myself on some sort of small dirt road.
Before I was able to take another step, a crack sounded from somewhere behind me. My stomach knotted when I was shoved forward violently. I landed hard on my knees with pain shooting up my legs. A vampire jumped onto my back, a set of fangs sinking into my flesh. I screamed, reaching back and stabbing my stake into any part of their body I could get to. The vampire let out a snarl, pulling his fangs from me when I stabbed him again. My throat throbbed from his messy bite, but my attack was enough to loosen his hold so I could crawl away and climb to my feet. The vampire was already gearing up to lunge at me again, but before he could, there were two loud pops, and he suddenly slumped to the ground.
To my right, two men wearing tactical gear crept forward with their guns raised. One of them crouched down and staked the vampire right in the heart. Masks covered their faces, and their reflective goggles were in place. A chill ripped down my spine as they advanced closer. They were PARA. Unlike Clovers, they had the government insignia patch visible on their shoulder. Fuck, I had to get out of here. I’d almost rather take my chances with a vampire.
“Are you hurt?” one of them asked as they came closer. “Who are you? Why aren’t you in the city?”
His barrage of questions had me backing away. Maybe I could lose them in the woods. Then something was jammed into my back, making me flinch.
“Don’t move. We’re here to help,” a male voice said from behind me. “We saw you get attacked. This is why we want civilians to stay in the city.”
I was nearly choking on panic as I spared a glance at the two PARA members who were behind me. Four of them with weapons. There was no way I could fight my way out.
“Wait…” The one in front of me cocked his head as he shined his light on my face. “She looks familiar.”
“Yeah, she does,” the other one agreed. “We’ve seen her picture daily for the last two months.”
“Kali Smith.”
“From Project Hope.”
“The reward on her head is huge.”
They spoke around me, their words sealing my fate. I twisted to the side, making a run for it. Two of them caught me before I was able to leave the dirt road, and they easily ripped the stake from my hold. Each of them grabbed one of my arms, dragging me back to where the others stood as I screamed and thrashed. I was thrown to the ground, and a gun was pressed against my forehead when I tried getting to my feet.
“Stay on your knees,” one of them growled, keeping his gun on me.
Another man was speaking into a walkie-talkie as I considered taking my chances and running again. The guy could probably get a shot off before I moved, but would that be the worst thing to happen? If they took me back to Project Hope, I’d be executed or put in prison the rest of my life. Fear slithered through me as I weighed my options.
Then his face popped into my head. Zan. Would he find out what happened to me? Would he try to come after me? A pang hit my chest. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so snappy back at his father’s house when he left if I’d known I might not see him again.
Headlights cut through the darkness as a government vehicle drove up. Nausea claimed me when it rolled to a stop next to us. This was an armored vehicle. The kind they took on missions because the thing was nearly indestructible.
“Get up.”
I was hauled to my feet, the gun jammed into my ribs.
Someone from inside the armored vehicle opened the rear door before jumping out. He was masked, just like the rest, with protective gear around his neck. He strode toward us, getting within a couple of feet of me when chaos broke out. I spotted Jasper slipping into the open back door of the vehicle before a surprised yell came from inside. The guy who had the gun on me noticed, and he swung the weapon away from me, shouting at the other guys. One second, he was screaming in warning, and the next, he was howling in pure anguish as he fell to his knees, cradling his arm that was bent at an odd angle.
I sucked in a breath, seeing Amaros standing behind him. Another vampire flew past me, going after another PARA member. I shakily climbed to my feet as I watched Amaros snap the guy’s neck. He swiftly dodged the bullets being fired at him as he attacked someone else.
I didn’t hesitate at all as I bolted for the trees. I wanted nothing to do with PARA or the vampires. This was the distraction I needed to slip away.
“We’re not done yet, Kali.”
Amaros’s voice had dread pooling in my stomach. An arm wrapped around my waist, and I was slammed into his chest as he hauled me back to the road.