Page 107 of Bite of Desire
“What’s your name?”
Shit. Even if she didn’t recognize my face, she would definitely know my name if the Clovers had labeled me as a traitor. I racked my brain, trying to think of another female Clover whose name I could borrow, but before I was able to speak up, another voice rang out.
“That’s Kali.”
Another body came into view, and my heart stuttered when I saw Matt. He was the one who ran from the cabin with Warner when Zan took me back to his city. Was he still under entrancement? I froze. What if he was still giving information to Zan? If he had a way to contact him, then I had even less time to disappear.
“Kali?” the woman repeated, her eyes growing cold. “You’re with the vampires.”
“I’m not,” I rushed out. “I’ve been trapped with vampires.”
“That’s not what we were told.” Her eyes cut to Matt. “You’re the one who saw it. Didn’t she choose the vampires? Kill our men?”
“Yes,” Matt answered, his voice void of any anger or sadness. Because that was an answer under entrancement. It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t believe anything I said now.
“Let’s go,” she ordered, jerking the gun. “No fighting, or I’ll shoot.”
I bit my tongue, walking in the direction she pointed. I was sure she was taking me back to camp to talk to whoever was in charge. I only hoped Warner was there too.
The woman and Matt walked behind me, and she kept the muzzle of her gun on my upper back the entire time. I realized why she’d stopped me in the first place. If I’d kept walking in the direction I was heading, I would have stumbled right into their camp. Five minutes later, three tents came into view. There was a small fire that a man was cooking food over. A creek behind the camp was their fresh water source.
The man who was cooking stood up when he caught sight of me. “Who’s that?”
“We found her lurking around,” the woman answered. “According to Matt, that’s Kali.”
The guy let out a low whistle. “The girl who runs with the Kanes?”
“I don’t run with them,” I snarled, tilting my neck to the side, showing the bandage. “I escaped them.”
My eyes darted to the person climbing out of the tent, and it took everything in me not to run toward Warner. His gaze met mine, and shock flared on his face. Tears welled in my eyes as he stood there, not moving a muscle. He couldn’t act like he was happy to see me. Not in front of other Clovers. Maybe I shouldn’t have come. If he helped me, there was a chance he’d be in as much trouble as me.
“Why are you here?” the woman behind me asked.
“To warn you,” I said, my eyes not leaving Warner. “The vampires attacked Project Peace last night. They overtook PARA. Blew up the wall. It’s not a safe city anymore.”
“Bullshit,” she snapped, stepping in front of me. She pressed the gun to my chest. “We would have heard. We have access to the government’s radio frequency.”
“I was there,” I screamed, my voice cracking. “I saw it all. That city fell. In less than a fucking hour. And they’re going to do it again to another city.”
“How do you know?” Warner asked quietly, raising his hand when the woman moved to speak again. “Let her answer, Trish.”
“Because I was at Amaros Kane’s side when he did it.” I sucked in a deep breath. “He’s not going to stop at just one city.”
“You were near Amaros Kane?” Trish questioned, suspicion written all over her face. “You escaped the most powerful vampire? Or maybe you’re here on his orders.”
I laughed darkly. “You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. I’m here to warn you.”
“Sorry if we don’t believe you,” Trish replied dryly. “What do you want to do with her, Jon?”
The guy who had been cooking when I was first marched into camp was staring at me warily as he rubbed his black beard. Clearly, he was the one in charge. As I waited for him to answer, I nonchalantly touched the chain of the necklace, making sure Warner saw. He needed to know that I was still being tracked. If I told the others that right now, they’d think I was bringing the vampires here on purpose. One wrong word, and I’d find a bullet in my head.
“We have orders to bring her in,” Jon finally said. “They want to question her.”
Warner had slipped back into the tent, leaving me standing there with three Clovers who saw me as an enemy. Was he doing something to help me? Or had he chosen the Clovers? I couldn’t blame him for not standing up for me after everything that had happened.
Trish pressed the gun harder into my chest. “Hands behind your back. You’ll stay here until we travel back tomorrow.”