Page 115 of Bite of Desire
“Not here.”
I spotted a small table off to the side with two bags that were opened as if they had been searched. My necklace was there, and I reached over and grabbed it, sliding it into my pocket.
“Where is she?” I hissed, my anger beginning to spiral.
“I don’t know,” Warner gritted out.
Before he could back away from the bars, I reached forward and grabbed his neck, yanking him closer. He didn’t struggle when I entranced him.
“Where’s Kali?” I asked, fighting to keep my voice steady.
“I don’t know.”
“When’s the last time you saw her?”
“When I pushed her into the river.”
My jaw clenched. “Why did you push her in the river?”
“To keep PARA from getting her.”
“Let’s go, Zan,” Viggo said tightly. “Someone’s coming, and we can’t fight them all off. If Kali isn’t here, then this whole thing was a waste of fucking time.”
I released Warner from my mind control, and he stumbled back a step, glaring at me with loathing.
“Why do you have my necklace?” I asked.
“I didn’t want you to find her.”
“Shit,” Viggo muttered just as the door behind us slammed open.
I whirled around as two men entered the room. The moment they spotted us, they pulled their guns from the holsters. Viggo reached down and grabbed the handgun from the man who was slumped on the floor, unconscious. Bullets flew through the air, one hitting me in the thigh. Pain spasmed, and I gritted my teeth as Viggo aimed and shot both of them in the head. The guy, Mark, was still under my entrancement, and he stood there in a daze, not moving a muscle.
A groan pulled my attention back to Warner, and I let out a curse when I saw him curled up on the grungy floor with blood pooling under him. One of the wooden bullets had gotten him somewhere in the stomach.
“We need to go,” Viggo said, his usual humor gone. “Before more come.”
I stared at Warner, unable to move. All I could imagine was Kali if she found out Warner had died. She would be fucking devastated. Before I knew what I was doing, I raised my wrist to my mouth and tore my skin open.
“Zan, what the fuck are you doing?” Viggo hissed.
I didn’t answer as I crouched down and grabbed Warner’s arm, tugging him closer to the bars. Warner let out a grunt in pain when I moved him again. He forced his head up, fear deep in his eyes when he met my gaze.
Viggo stepped up beside me. “Leave him.”
“I can’t,” I ground out. “Kali would never forgive me.”
“She already hates you,” Viggo argued. “After what happened at Project Peace, I doubt she’ll ever forgive you.”
“This is different.” I reached into the cell, grabbing the back of Warner’s head to keep him still.
“Fuck, Zan,” Viggo cursed. “Hurry the hell up. I can hear more people coming.”
When Warner realized what I was doing, he let out a protest as he struggled against me. But I shoved my bleeding wrist against his mouth, making sure he swallowed before I pulled away. Horror lined his face as he sputtered and coughed. Just like Kali, he believed vampire blood killed them. I grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look at me. I wiped the black blood from his face.
“You’re going to forget what I just did,” I said firmly. “You will not remember drinking my blood. Understand?”