Page 121 of Bite of Desire
His fingers wrapped around my wrist, and he jerked me back, stopping me in my tracks. I yanked my arm away, and when I slid free, I nearly froze. I wasn’t sure who was more shocked that I’d gotten out of his hold, Pax or me. I scrambled away, only getting a few steps before he grabbed me again, but this time, his grip was much tighter.
“Shit,” he muttered, his head whipping to the right. “We need to go.”
Flashlights suddenly shined on us, and a group of PARA members circled us. Fear had my pulse thudding, and Pax’s face went cold as he glared at the men.
“Kill them,” one masked man ordered. “We don’t need witnesses for this meeting.”
“You do that, and you’re all dead,” Pax snarled, putting me behind him. “You have two of my brothers over there. Want to take a guess at who my father is?”
Some of the men shifted uneasily, and I watched in shock. I thought humans didn’t know what Amaros looked like. Or his sons. I had a feeling that everything I knew was a lie.
“Don’t believe me?” Pax continued. “Is my face not enough, seeing as my twin is over there?”
“Fine,” the man said coldly. “You’ll join them, then. Get in the fucking truck.”
Pax hesitated, glancing at me. He really didn’t want me going over there. There was no denying that I was terrified, but I wanted to go. Warner was there. And Zan. I needed to know what was happening.
Pax held on to me as they herded us to a nearby truck that was hiding in the darkness. Two men climbed into the back with us, and I was practically on Pax’s lap so that I didn’t have to sit near the military members. I took a long breath, trying to calm my racing heart as we drove toward the field. It didn’t take long, and a couple of minutes later, the driver parked near all the other vehicles.
I looked through the windshield, my heart leaping into my throat when I caught Zan staring at me. His hands were free, and he was now standing beside his father instead of Norman, but he wasn’t listening to their conversation. He was solely focused on me.
“Out,” the driver commanded.
Pax leaned closer, keeping his words between us.
“Happy Birthday, Kali. Please don’t do anything stupid to get yourself killed once we’re out there.”
Chapter 44
Igaped at Pax. Where the hell did that come from? My birthday wasn’t for a few more weeks. I didn’t have a chance to correct him before one of the men snatched my arm, trying to pull me out of the truck. Pax’s next move was quick, and in the next second, there was a loud snap, and the man yelled in pain when his wrist was suddenly bent at an odd angle.
“She’s not yours to touch,” Pax said, his voice more dangerous than I’d ever heard. “She’s with us. You’ll treat her with the same fucking respect you give the Kanes.”
My eyes grew big as the man cradled his arm. Since when did PARA give respect to vampires? Were they working together? Pax guided me out of the truck as the men warily kept their distance. Once my feet hit the grass, a chill swept through me. Raising my gaze, I met Zan’s eyes. There was a flash of worry that crossed his face before he masked it. But it wasn’t him that had my heart thudding in fear.
It was the fact that both Amaros and Norman were also staring at me.
“Kali,” Amaros murmured, a dangerous gleam in his eye. “How nice of you to join us.”
I swallowed thickly before lifting my chin and forcing my fear away. This was not a place to reveal any emotion that they could exploit. I already knew Amaros fed off terror. Norman was the same way. Pax strode forward, his hand staying on my back, making me walk with him. We didn’t stop until I was standing next to Zan with Pax on my other side. Amaros was next to Zan, and Viggo was standing rigidly beside his father.
My eyes darted around until I found Warner. He was between two PARA members, his face blank of any emotion. Until he met my gaze. Panic flitted through his eyes, and he shook his head, looking at me in defeat. My heart clenched. He’d tried keeping PARA from getting me, and here I was, stuck with vampires again.
Something touched my hand, and I stiffened, glancing down to see Zan’s fingers interlaced with mine. A move that no one missed. Norman frowned, suspicion sprawled across his face.
“Unless you have something else to discuss, my sons and I will be going,” Amaros said, focusing on Norman. “I’ll be sure to talk to them about entering cities that aren’t ours.”
“We’re not done,” Norman snapped. “You broke our deal.”
Amaros let out a laugh that made the back of my neck prickle. “No one was hurt. Let’s not ruin what we have over a small miscommunication?—”
“They saw things that your kind have no business knowing,” Norman spat out.
“Interrupt me again, and I’ll snap your neck before you can speak another word,” Amaros warned, his voice deadly.