Page 16 of Bite of Desire
“You don’t know that.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m not leaving my blood here to be found.”
He lit a match and held it to a piece of paper before letting it fall on top of Jill’s body. I watched in horror as he added more paper to it before taking a hold of one of the shelves and yanking it free from the wall. He snapped it in half, setting it over the burning paper.
“The walls are dirt. The fire won’t spread,” he muttered. “But by the time it dies out, no one will see my blood.”
“And if the building catches fire?”
“We’ll be gone by then.”
“Do you even have a heart?” I shot back.
“I do,” he snapped. “For my family. Not for humans I don’t know.”
By now, the fire had grown, and I could barely see Jill’s body. My eyes went to the left, and I quickly grabbed the stake that had fallen when Viggo broke the shelf. I slipped it into my boot while his back was still turned before straightening up.
“Let’s go,” Viggo ordered. “We need to find my brothers.”
He crossed the room, stopping near the exit, waiting for me to go first. With a deep breath, I slipped back into the narrow pathway that was already filling with smoke.
Chapter 6
Iran a hand through my hair, glancing down the street again. “Where the hell are they?”
Thanks to the necklace, I could easily track her, and I knew she was close. But the scent wasn’t as strong as I was expecting. They were either in a room with thick walls or underground.
“I’m sure they’re fine,” Pax responded, unable to hide his unease. “But we need to get into the tunnel before PARA makes their rounds.”
The cover of the tunnel was open a crack, and I lowered my gaze, seeing that Tim was right where we’d left him. He was unconscious, with his hands bound behind him, lying on the floor of the tunnel. We’d found him after Pax and I couldn’t finish the other task. Even though our father would be furious, I couldn’t bring myself to care when I had no fucking idea where Kali was. They were supposed to be back to the tunnel before us.
“Zan, calm down,” Pax said under his breath. “You can’t run off searching for them when PARA is everywhere.”
“It would take me minutes to get to her?—”
“No,” Pax snapped. “We had a plan. And part of that was no splitting up. We can’t leave Tim here alone. Viggo is with her. She’s fine.”
I shifted my stance, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from arguing. He was right. We couldn’t afford to mess this up by one of us getting left behind. I swiped my hand over my jaw, my pulse thudding when I spotted her coming out of a building. Viggo was right behind her, and I instinctively took a step forward when I noticed the hoodie she was wearing. Something she hadn’t had on earlier.
“Finally,” Pax mumbled. “Let’s get the hell out of this city.”
Viggo suddenly stopped, getting the attention of a woman who was walking past him. I frowned, tilting my head to listen.
“…watch this building for the next hour. If you see fire or smoke, then alert someone so everyone can evacuate.” Viggo’s eyes stayed locked on the woman’s. “You will not remember me. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” the woman answered.
Viggo released her and then glanced at Kali. “Happy?”
Kali didn’t answer, confusion in her gaze as she stared at him. He shook his head and then strode forward, heading my way. Kali jogged after him, and I bent down to move the cover of the tunnel.
“Where’s Jill?” Pax asked once they got closer.
I snapped my head up at Viggo’s answer, my eyes searching out Kali. She had her hands stuffed into the hoodie pocket, and when my gaze landed on her face, fury slammed into me. Her cheek was bright red, no doubt from someone hitting her.