Page 61 of Bite of Desire
This wasn’t the first time she’d said something like that, and like always, I didn’t know how to answer. Her confidence about it made me uneasy. Asami was never unsure of her opinions. She believed what she said wholeheartedly.
“I’m just trying to survive,” I finally mumbled.
“There is a balance to everything in this life.” Her phrase wasn’t new. It was something she used to say often. “It can’t be disturbed, no matter which forces try.”
Before I could reply, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and I turned to see Zan stepping out of the hall. Had he even gone upstairs? But he wasn’t focused on me. He was staring at Asami, a puzzled expression on his face until he realized I was watching him. His blank mask went back up, but he still stared at Asami.
“Where did you hear that?” he asked, his voice dangerously soft.
Asami’s face paled slightly as she watched him creep closer. “Hear what?”
I stood up, feeling the tension radiating off him. “It’s rude to eavesdrop, Zan.”
“You knew I was listening,” he replied, not taking his eyes off Asami. “I want to know more about this balance you’re talking about. The one that can’t be disturbed. Where did you hear that?”
“Oh.” Asami chuckled nervously. “That. It’s something talked about in many circles.”
Zan halted a few feet away. “Really? Because I’ve only heard it once. Years ago.”
Asami stood up, putting on a brave face. “That’s interesting. Vampires don’t usually talk about it. Where did you hear it from?”
“A human,” Zan answered stiffly. “She wasn’t in a good state of mind. It was gibberish. At least I thought so. Until you just said pretty much the same thing. I want to know if you knew her.”
“You’d have to tell me her name.”
I watched them both, confusion rippling through me. Other than when he was focused on me, I’d never seen Zan this intense about something. His lips were pressed in a firm line, and it was obvious he didn’t want to open up to Asami. But he must have wanted answers more, because he finally responded.
“I don’t know her name. I was a kid,” he said tightly. “But her words were nearly identical to yours.”
Asami licked her lips, glancing at me for a second before looking back at Zan. “It’s not new. Circles of people have been talking about it for decades.”
“Who?” I spoke up. “What are you talking about, Asami?”
“When the world found out that vampires existed, it was a scary time,” she explained. “Chaotic. Our beliefs about everything were put into question. If the monsters of the night were real, then what else was out there? And for those who already believed in the unusual, they wanted to find answers.” She hesitated. “I have been part of a large group like that since before the war even started.”
“A group?” I questioned, studying her.
Zan chuckled. “I get it now. You’re one of those.”
I crossed my arms, looking at him. “One of what?”
Asami tsked. “So skeptical. Just like every other vampire.”
The humor faded from Zan’s features, and he scowled. “Don’t forget where you are.”
Asami stiffened, taking a large step back, as if remembering who she was talking to. I stepped closer to him, putting Asami behind me.
“Zan,” I said in a low voice. “Don’t.”
His eyes snapped to mine, a muscle in his jaw ticking. “I’m not going to hurt her, Kali.”
I froze, my gaze staying on him. I wasn’t even worried about him hurting her. It hadn’t crossed my mind. Why? Because I believed Zan wouldn’t hurt anyone I cared about—like Warner. He’d let him go. For me. It probably wasn’t the best idea to put that much faith in a Kane vampire. Yet here I was. Asami stepped up beside me, and I turned my head to see her studying me intently.
“You two…” She trailed off, looking at Zan. “There’s something between you.”
Zan’s smug grin caught me off guard. “See, Kali? Even strangers can tell you don’t hate me.”
“Asami isn’t a stranger to me,” I muttered. “She’s my friend.”