Page 96 of Bite of Desire
“I’d rather die than help you,” she bit out.
Amaros’s gaze lingered on her for a moment before he glanced at me. “But I can bet that you’d help my son. Wouldn’t you?”
“Not if it meant killing humans.” Her answer was instant. I knew she meant it. She might care for me in some way, but she’d never choose vampires over humans. Not even for me. I couldn’t even blame her when I knew what Amaros was planning.
I got in his way when he advanced on her. He glared at me, disbelief in his eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing, Zan?” he roared, shoving me in the chest. “I’m your father. And you’re lying to me because of some human? Maybe she would be more useful if she was dead. At least I’d know you aren’t going behind my back for her.”
“He can’t help it,” Pax blurted out.
Amaros whirled around. “What does that mean?”
Pax shrugged. “He’s bonded to her.”
My breath hitched. What the hell was Pax doing?
“Shadows can’t bond,” Amaros snapped, though there was a note of doubt in his voice.
“We don’t know if that’s true,” Viggo drawled, puffing on a cigarette. “Almost every Shadow is in the Pen. They don’t have a chance to bond.”
My father turned back to me, and I tensed, seeing what he was about to do. I didn’t fight it as I fell under his entrancement again.
“Are you bonded with Kali?”
Something in my heart tugged. “I don’t know.”
I sagged when he released me, feeling exhausted. But I wasn’t about to show that to him. Amaros scrubbed a hand over his jaw, looking troubled.
“Bonds don’t fully form until both are vampires or Shadows,” he mumbled as if talking something out to himself. “But I don’t want her to turn. I want you to mate with her. She will give us an heir. Do you fucking understand?”
I jerked a nod. Nothing I said would help in this situation. For now, I had to go along with what he wanted.
“If it’s true, then I can’t fault you for lying.” He sighed. “Take her back to your room. And Zan, the plan is still happening in two days. You’re coming with us. Make the decision if she comes or stays here. Jasper can watch her if you choose the latter.”
I bit the tip of my tongue, nodding again. Neither of those options was what I wanted. Hopefully I could figure something else out before we went into Project Peace. Before he could change his mind, I turned my back on him and got Kali. Her heart was still beating wildly, but she didn’t put up a fight as I led her from the room. Once we got to the hall, I swept her into my arms and carried her the rest of the way. If we came across any vampires, I didn’t want them openly staring at her in a towel. They wouldn’t dare look at her when I was carrying her.
“He can entrance you,” she whispered under her breath.
My answer was curt, and she got the hint that I didn’t want to talk about it. Not when Amaros was listening. I was still on edge after everything that had happened tonight. This whole trip here was exactly what I feared would happen.
Chapter 34
Ipaced the room again before falling onto the huge bed. Two days. Two days I’d been stuck in this room. Not that I was really complaining. I’d rather be in here than out where I could possibly run into Amaros. But I was starting to get bored. I was itching to see something other than these four walls. The bedroom was large and was just as nice as the rest of this house. It didn’t help.
I fucking hated being here. It already seemed like I was a prisoner. Like I was never going to leave. Zan swore I’d be going home with him. Not that I’d seen much of him. He would stop in a couple of times a night and sleep here during the day with me, but he was busy with whatever plan Amaros was putting into place. He’d barely said anything to me about everything I’d learned. I was bursting with questions. But he made it clear that this house wasn’t safe to speak in. Our conversations weren’t private.
But I wanted to learn more about the Shadows. Learning that Amaros could entrance Zan threw me so fucking much. It changed everything. I might trust Zan, but his father? I never would. Knowing that Amaros could control Zan made it all so much worse.
“You look stressed. I’d offer you one, but I think my little brother would try to kill me if I did.”
My head shot up, and I saw Viggo leaning against the closed door with a cigarette between his fingers. He brought it to his lips and lit it as he strolled closer to the bed. Both he and Pax had been coming to check on me when Zan wasn’t here. Pax was obvious about it. Viggo acted like he was bored and had nothing else to do.
I sighed. “What do you want, Viggo?”