Page 17 of Outshone
Branson picked me up and quickly lowered me into the tub.
Triston and he worked together to pour the hot water over my head, avoiding getting it on my face.
Both knelt beside the tub, watching and keeping an eye on me as I soaked.
“Is it hot enough?” Triston asked.
I nodded and my eyes widened at the ability to perform the movement. “Yes, thank you.”
They went silent again and dropped their eyes to their hands in their laps. Were they trying to give me a semblance of privacy?
When my skin started to prune, I wiggled my feet, raised my arms, and moved my legs, happy to see I was finally able to move normally. “So much better,” I whispered.
“Are you ready to get out?” Branson asked.
I nodded.
Triston grabbed a towel and waited while Branson picked me up by my armpits.
“I can stand,” I said, but didn’t fight him.
Once on my feet, Triston and he each used a towel to dry me down. Riddick walked in with a new pair of pajamas, including a pair of fluffy socks. I put everything on, then slowly walked to the sink to brush my teeth.
All three hovered, like they were worried I might fall over at any moment.
Turning around, I gave them a small smile. “I feel much better, thank you.”
They all nodded and stepped out of my way so I could exit the bathroom.
Caleb sat on the edge of the bed, playing with the fork. He raised his eyes and smiled at me. “You look better. Much less pale.”
Standing in the center of them, circled around me, I finally asked the question I needed to know. “Has this changed us?”
Riddick’s head canted slightly. “Physically? Yes. The bond we had is gone.”
I shook my head, my breath shuddering as I exhaled. “Us. Us.”
Triston reached out and gently took my hand. “Darling, are you asking if our feelings have changed?”
“If our relationship has changed?” Branson asked.
I nodded, unable to look at them, staring instead at their bare feet.
“Our love for you isn’t from the bond,” Branson said and hugged me from behind. “I’ve loved you since I woke up in your tiny cabin and you barely batted an eye at a bear trying to maul you.”
“Sweetheart,” Caleb whispered and dropped down into a crouch in front of me so I had to look at his face, “is this what you’ve been worried about since you saw me? What you wanted to ask earlier?”
Tears were sliding down my face as I nodded.
He straightened, cupped my face between his hands, and gently kissed my lips. “Our feelings for you haven’t changed. If anything, they’ve grown stronger understanding how much you endured to save us from the curse. What you are willing to do for us.” Kissing me again, he whispered against my lips, “And I vow to do everything in my power to never let that happen again. To keep you from experiencing pain ever again.”
“We all love you, Ember,” Triston said. “Even if we hadn’t said so before and were being stubborn.”
Branson grunted. “Emotions are hard, but I know for certain that I love you, Ember. Always have and always will.”
“Come on,” Riddick coaxed and pulled me towards the bed, “we need a cuddle puddle.”
They loved me. All four of them.