Page 20 of Outshone
Smiling, I carefully took one off the tray. “Thank you. You look handsome tonight.”
He set the tray in the center of the rectangular cushion, took my free hand, dropped to one knee, and pressed a kiss to my knuckles. “You are stunning, a goddess among us mere mortals. Your dress only accentuates your perfection and that color suits you well, Rubyhare.”
My face was on fire. These sweet-talking men would be the death of me. “Thank you.”
He brushed another kiss across my knuckles and stood. “Please excuse me. I’ll return shortly.”
When they’d said we would have dinner here, I hadn’t expected them to serve me like this. Not that I was complaining.
“For our hors d’oeuvres this evening, we have a cheese croustade, mini deviled crab cornbread muffins, smoked salmon with caviar and prosciutto, and cucumber sandwiches.” Caleb set two trays of delicious looking foods on the cushion on either side of the tray of drinks, and dropped to a knee before me. “Thank you for joining us this evening, little goddess.”
My lip twitched, but I didn’t let the full smile show. “Were you expecting someone else?”
His lip twitched and he let it grow into a full smile. “I only ever wish for you to be near me, my queen.” Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to my cheek, whispered in my ear, “You look positively delectable.”
My flush went down into my neck. “As do you, my king.”
He growled softly and nuzzled my neck. “Two words and my resolve disappears,” he whispered.
“Tsk, bad alpha! Bad!” Triston hissed.
My laughter was cut short as Caleb nipped my neck before straightening and backing up so I could see all of them seated on the couch across from me.
After taking a drink to calm my racing pulse, I picked up one of the cheese croustades and popped it into my mouth. I moaned. “So good.”
Caleb closed his eyes and took a deep breath before counting to five quietly.
My lips quirked up into a smile, and I grabbed a different snack. The crab cornbread muffin. “So good,” I breathed.
“Stop, you naughty vixen,” Triston accused and shook his head.
“Sorry,” I said and laughed. “I couldn’t help it. These are really good though. Where did you order them from?”
“We didn’t order anything, except the wine,” Riddick answered.
“You guys made all this?” I asked, looking at the fancy items before me.
They all nodded.
“Well, they made it,” Caleb amended. “I just helped plate it all.”
“I’m incredibly impressed,” I told them.
“Wait until you see the main course,” Branson said with a wink.
As I ate another item, a cucumber sandwich, I enjoyed the view before me. The four of them were all dressed nicely, slacks and button-up shirts, and hair styled. Though all four were barefoot, but that made sense as they were inside of the house.
Caleb picked up a glass of wine and the others followed suit. He raised it and said, “A toast.”
I raised my glass.
“To our first year and the many more to come,” he said.
“Cheers!” I said, and we all tapped the edge of our glasses against each other’s before drinking.
“Are you ready for dinner?” Riddick asked.
“Yes, please,” I said, but looked down at the hors d’oeuvres longingly.