Page 53 of Outshone
I set all the snacks I’d grabbed onto a tray, picked her up off the counter with one arm, and carried the tray in the other out to the living room. “Start eating and I’ll get you a drink, okay?”
She grabbed a cracker and nodded.
Crooking my finger at Caleb, I had him follow me into the kitchen. He followed behind me silently. Once in the kitchen, I leaned close and whispered, “I want to adopt her.”
He smiled and kissed my cheek. “I figured as much. We’ve already started looking for her birth certificate and other information. Unfortunately, her house was one of the ones destroyed, so she has no belongings.”
Branson approached, a tablet in his hand, and slid it towards us.
I spun it so Caleb and I could see what was on it, my eyes widening when I saw an online shopping cart of girls’ clothes and supplies.
“We knew as soon as we saw you with her,” Branson answered my unasked question. “Caleb filled us in on the details. And we all agree wholeheartedly with your decision.”
Tears filled my eyes and I sniffled as I wiped them away. “I don’t deserve you four.”
Caleb hugged me from behind and said, “Quite the opposite, Emmy. We don’t deserve you.”
Branson grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water, walking over to Lily to hand it to her. He leaned far over to hand it to her, like he didn’t want to get too close.
She took it and quickly gulped it down, handing him the cup back.
“Mom said she knows of a trauma therapist some of the packs use, so we’re going to make an appointment for Lily to go see them,” Caleb whispered.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” I asked.
He stepped to my side, turned me to face him, and said, “Yes. While I would love kids of our own, I have always envisioned myself adopting hybrids just like her, who need a family. I want to make certain she knows that although her parents are gone and we cannot replace them, we will be here for her for the rest of her life. And, I have a feeling we may end up with at least one or two more situations like this.”
“Found family is some of the best family,” Branson said as he returned to the kitchen to refill Lily’s cup.
“I agree wholeheartedly,” I said with a wide smile. “Is she really going to be okay with living with us? She’s so young, will she understand?”
“She understands that I’m her alpha and staying with me is what she should do when she’s separated from her parents,” Caleb said with a nod.
I supposed that made sense. Pack animals sought each other out to gather together, even unconsciously.
“Order everything on your list,” Caleb told Branson. “Also, find out her favorite color and order sheets and a pillowcase in that color.”
“You want me to ask her what her favorite things are?” Branson asked, eyes wide.
“You’re not the boogie man,” I told him with a laugh. “You’re large so lots of people are intimidated by that, but I don’t think she is. For someone who needs protection, you might be her favorite if you let your guard down and stop distancing yourself.”
He scowled, but took the tablet and went back to the living room to talk to her.
“I’m going to call Mom and let her know what’s happening,” Caleb said and ran a hand through his hair. “Knowing her, she’s going to scream and get extremely excited as if it were our own child.”
I smiled, knowing he was most likely right. Jolie was incredibly understanding and kind. I had no doubt that she would treat Lily the same as if we had our own blood related child.
“Oh, Branson should ask her favorite characters,” Caleb suddenly said. “I bet she watches cartoons and we could find stuffed animals or items with those characters on them for her.”
I nodded and headed towards the living room. “I’ll do some recon, too.”
Lily had finished her plate of food and was looking at Branson with a slightly canted head, as if confused.
“Hey, Lily,” I greeted.
She turned and looked at me. “Hi.”
“Was your food good? Are you still hungry?”