Page 85 of Outshone
“Anything, but that,” he whispered back, making me laugh.
We were once again almost late to the train, but made it in time, earning a side eye from the man who checked our tickets.
The train ride was only a few hours, so we sat in the glass car to watch the scenery.
Lily watched with wide eyes, pointing at things and making Ezio look for them. He got her to play I-spy and she had so much fun that we had to stop the game to get her to eat lunch.
Two mammoth-sized men with identical faces and long beards met us at the train station, bowing to us as we walked.
“Hello, I’m Stan,” the one on the left said, his voice the deepest I had ever heard a human speak.
“I’m Clark,” the other said, his voice just as deep as his twin’s. “We will drive you to the boat, which we will be taking and we will operate the vessel as well.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” I greeted.
“Good to see you two again,” Ezio said and held out his fist so they could bump theirs against it.
“You look well,” Stan said.
“Thanks for your assistance today,” Caleb said and hugged each of them.
“Of course, Caleb. You know you can always call on us,” Clark said and patted his back. He looked over at me and said, “I hope he’s not giving you too much trouble as a mate.”
“I’m a perfect mate,” Caleb said and scoffed.
“Ha! I could smell that lie in a manure factory,” Stan said and ruffled Caleb’s hair.
“Everyone, put the luggage in the back and get into the SUV or we’ll be here all day,” Ezio ordered. “These two love teasing Caleb.”
“He’s got such a teasable face,” Clark said and pinched Caleb’s cheek.
Caleb growled and said, “You’re lucky we’ve got places to be or I’d shift and show you who’s alpha here.”
“I’m shaking in my fur,” Clark said mockingly.
Once buckled, we headed away from the city and towards the ocean. We rolled down the windows, letting the salty air fill our nostrils.
“What’s that smell?” Lily asked, wrinkling her nose.
Stan looked at us in the rearview mirror. “She’s never seen the ocean?”
I shook my head.
“Can she swim?” Clark asked.
We all looked at Lily who nodded. “I love water and it’s very easy to swim in animal form.”
Oh, right. Snakes were excellent swimmers.
“What animal is she?” Clark asked, turning from the passenger seat to look at us.
“Can’t tell you,” Lily whispered and ducked her head down.
“You don’t have to hide your animal form anymore,” I told her. “Remember, you aren’t hiding anymore.”