Page 56 of Ivory Tower
God, I hate lying to her. I really do.
But my sister deserves the peace of my taking on this burden. It’s my turn.
Lola is quiet for a few long moments as the light turns green, and I start driving again.
The urge to end the silence hits, but I’m not the younger sister for nothing. I can wait out Lola.
“Didn’t you just get a new job? At a start-up?”
Fuck. I forgot I told her that.
I need to keep all of my stories straight because they’re only going to get messier.
“Yes. And they gave me a new account! Isn’t that exciting?” She makes a non-committal hmm sound, and I panic that she won't believe me.
I fight the craving to fill in the silence, though.
A lifetime of lies taught me a few skills, I guess.
“You sure you’re okay?” she says, and I sigh in relief.
“Yes, Lola. Just getting over being sick and working a ton. Plus, Adrianna only ever wants to go out and party every night. That’s why I haven’t seen her in a while. I’m getting old.”
“Babe, you’re 26. Not 50.”
“Whatever. How’s Ben?” I ask, turning left where I used to turn right, away from the pretty high-rises and toward the crappy apartments.
“He’s good. He just got off. I’m waiting for him to be done cleaning. Figured I’d call you.”
“He still being a dreamboat knight in shining armor?”
“He doesn’t have to be a knight in shining armor anymore, thank god. I don’t need him to take care of me anymore,” she says, and then there's a deep laugh in the back. “Shut up, you.” More deep murmuring, but I’m pretty sure it’s of the spicy variety because my sister has to clear her throat before responding. “Benjamin James, I am on the phone with my baby sister!”
“Ooh, what’s he saying, what’s he saying!” I ask, knowing my sister is a total prude and would never reveal her dirty secrets. I doubt she even has any dirty secrets, to be honest.
“Ew, god, shut up, Lilah,” she says as predicted, and I laugh, turning into my complex. “You going to come down soon, or do I have to drag Ben up north?” she asks, and I sigh, pulling into my complex.
“I’ll come down. Maybe in a couple of weeks, okay?” I ask, but my voice is off, distracted. That's because my eyes are on the light next to my front door.
There’s a dark figure standing there.
“Fine, but if you don’t, we’re coming there.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there, Lola. I, uh . . . I gotta go,” I say, trying to simultaneously find a parking spot and keep an eye on the figure. Maybe they’re walking past, or smoking outside, or . . .
“You good, babe?” she asks.
“I’m good, sissy. I love you. I just got home, and I gotta carry in a bunch of stuff. Need my hands. Talk to you soon?” I ask.
“Yeah, Lilah. See you soon. Love you lots. Please, pick up my calls next time?”
"Got it. Bye, Lol," I say, and then the phone call ends, but my eyes stay on my front door, the panic building now that I don't have to play cool for my sister.
I find a spot, not my normal one right in front of my apartment, though, because, you know, someone is standing right outside my place. My eyes stay fixed on the figure. It’s a man, a tall man, nearly as tall as the light, which is why I can’t quite see him. The way the light hits him, his entire face is in shadow.
But as I turn the key, shutting off my car, he steps forward.
And my body melts, the fear melting with it.