Page 77 of Diamond Fortress
“Not gonna lie, that was pretty fuckin’ awesome,” he says. “Like WWE but hotter.”
“Keep that to yourself, man,” Marco says.
“What, just saying it was hot. Lilah tackling some bitch, her dress riding—"
“Yeah, let’s definitely keep that part to yourself, Roddy. All you need is Dante finding out you got a good view of my ass during a WWE but hotter smackdown.”
Roddy’s face goes a bit white and I can’t help but laugh.
“Oh. Shit. Yeah.” Marco shakes his head, turning the car off and looking back at me.
“Come on. Let’s go show Dante what kind of trouble you got into today,” he says as if I regularly get into trouble.
Well, okay. Maybe I do.
We walk into the front door of Jerzy Girls, Marco tipping his chin at Tino, Tino looking me over with a What the fuck? look, and Marco shaking his head as if to say, Trust me, you don’t want to know. Candy walks by, stopping right in front of us.
“Hey, Candy.”
“What the fuck happened to you, babe!?” Her boobs bounce in her tiny top and I smile.
“Angela Sigano called my mom a whore.” I hear Marco sigh and I’m sure he’s running a big hand over his face.
Roddy’s deep laugh fills the immediate vicinity.
“No fucking way,” she murmurs. “Tell me you decked her.” I smile and nod, and then she looks over her shoulder. “FANCY! You gotta see this! Carm knocked out Angela fucking Sigano!”
“No way!” Fancy yells then teeters off the stage, jumping down and running my way.
Fancy has no top on, but no one blinks an eye.
I love this place and these girls and this family I’ve created for myself.
“Oh my god! Girl, she got you good!”
“No, I did that myself, hit a table corner as I knocked her to the ground,” I say. It’s very important to me for everyone and anyone to know that I did not let Angela get a single shot in, much less let her make me bleed.
“No fucking way!” she shouts, and Marco tugs on my arm.
“Come on, princess. Gotta get you looked at.” I roll my eyes at Marco but smile and wave at the girls, who each give me a high five before walking back to work.
“You’re a goddamn mess, you know that?” Marco asks, and I just smile as he leads me through the door that leads to Dante’s office. “Fuckin’ perfect for his crazy ass,” he murmurs to himself under his breath. We stop at the door I know all too well, Marco moving to unlock it before he knocks twice.
“What are you doing?”
“I gotta knock. Can’t just walk into his office.”
“Maybe you can’t, but I sure can,” I say with a smile, turning the knob.
“Jesus, Lilah—"
I push the door open, seeing a man in the seat in front of Dante, my husband looking hot as ever as he glares at the door, definitely annoyed that someone is interrupting his meeting without his permission.
Until he sees me.