Page 32 of Jabarri
“I’m ready.”
“Cum with me,” I tell her, pushing her hand aside and pinching her clit, hoping she cums because my orgasm is barreling down, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. She clamps down on me so hard I can barely move and we cum together. Her legs are shaking, I help her take her leg down, before I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom.
Sleeping alone feels weird, but considering that today is Brooklyn’s baby shower, Jabarri thought it best if he stayed home last night. I am so used to his big body giving me a heat stroke that I almost couldn’t sleep last night. So, I am a tad bit cranky, but I’ll pull it together by the time I get to the compound. I am not a dress girly, but I decide to wear one today. However, I bring some leggings, a tee shirt, and some sneakers for later because I know how these Gideon events turn out. One moment we’re having a beautiful baby shower, and the next, it’s an arm-wrestling turkey-wrangling event or something equally crazy. I slide my feet in some sandals, put on my jewelry, everything except my engagement ring, and my finger feels so bare without it, I grab my purse and head out the door. I take a quick look at his project and can actually see some progress, I wasn’t sure about the gift since it was just talk on his part, I wanted to do something nice for him, something meaningful plus give him the chance to see if it is something he’d like doing. Since that day, he has managed to spend some time each day tinkering on the car. Even if he can’t restore it, I’ll get it towed to someone who can, but at least he had the opportunity to give it a try. I slide behind the wheel and head to the compound. It has been a little while since I spent time with my mom, Brooklyn, or the rest of the ladies, and it will be nice to get a chance to. Also, they can stop looking at me like I am broken, and I can finally get the chance to show them that I am no longer struggling either.
“There’s my baby.”
“Hi, Momma,” I say seconds before I am pulled into my mom’s arms, and I release a deep breath. My mom has been my best friend for as long as I knew what a best friend was, so it has been super hard keeping this Jabarri thing from her. There were only two other secrets I kept from her, my cousin and being bisexual. Both times, I was terrified to tell her, and both times, she reassured me that she loved me. We worked through the molestation, and she told me in no uncertain terms that I was her daughter and her love wasn’t contingent on who I loved. Ugh, I love this woman, but telling her about Jabarri really has me a bit terrified and I can’t figure out why. Maybe because I run the risk of losing her or Jabarri, and I don’t want to lose either of them. One reason I ran from Jabarri for years is because it was just easier, easier than dealing with everything that comes with loving him. But I have learned one thing this past year is he’s worth it. I just hope it doesn’t cost me everything.
“Look at you wearing a dress,” she says holding my at arms-length to look at me.
“Ma, you act like I have never worn a dress before.”
“I know you’ve worn a dress before, little girl, after all, I am your mother. All I am saying is it’s not your go-to outfit.”
“True, but I thought I would dress more femininely today, but don’t worry I brought a change of clothes,” I tell her as we walk into the party space.
“This is gorgeous, I can’t wait to see Brook’s baby, I know she must be big as a house. I know I was when I carried Uncle Anson and Megan’s baby Alexandria aka Lexi,”
“You really were, I don’t know how you carried that big ass baby.”
“Me either,” I tell her, laughing. “But honestly it wasn’t too bad until I got to my last month,” I say thinking about the possibility of having a baby with Jabarri, it’s something we have not yet discussed. The entire family is here, including Brook’s co-doctor, Dr. Mack, who is clearly smitten with Eliza. The entire shower is a typical Gideon event, crazy and hilarious and just what I needed, Jabarri and I have been in our own bubble, and I haven’t really realized how much I have missed being with my crazy family. As soon as the guests leave, we head over to the house, and I change out of my dress immediately. Jabarri let me know as soon as he had the chance to get me alone what he wanted to do to me in my dress. I was turned on instantly. The man is a damn menace. We’re sitting around in the living room, talking, laughing, and just enjoying each other. It is so nice to see Uncle Aryan and Brooklyn together and happy after the past he revealed to us. He deserved to be happy again. There was a ton of food left over from Praise and Jabarri being in the kitchen. I make my fourth or fifth plate, stuffing my face as I catch Jabarri staring at me from across the room, and I nod my head. I guess it’s time to tell our family about us since everyone is here. We get ready to move when his phone chirps, getting his attention.
“Someone is coming back, probably forgot something,” he says. The doorbell rings, and the next events happen in super slow motion. Liam goes to answer the door since he was coming back from the kitchen with his, I don’t know, tenth plate, maybe. He swings the door open and is met with a gun. The shot hits him center mass at point-blank range, making him go flying backward with the force of the impact. He somehow manages to kick the door close before hitting the ground hard.
“Liam!” Emerson screams, running over to him when all hell breaks, loose and gunfire opens up. In a matter of seconds, everyone has a gun in their hands.
“Who the fuck is stupid enough to try to hit us at our own house?” DJ says, walking past the window as the gunfire takes out the windows to get to Savvy, who has a gun.
“We know where to go,” Joseph says, but DJ says,
“No! Not with the women being here, we all stay in here, together, and we make them sorry they ever tried this shit,” DJ says just as a bullet comes in from the back shattering the glass retractable wall.
“Fuck, we’re surrounded,” Anson says.
“We’ll hold them off. You ladies go, get our stuff, and get back here ASAP,” Asher says.
“Who is this? And why are they here?”
“Nabeck,” Alondra says, looking out of the window.
“He couldn’t have gotten this many of his men across the border,” Jaasiel says.
“He probably hired these men once he got to America,” Joseph says.
All the other women come back in the room looking like female Rambos. Liam is fine. His chest will be bruised, and he may have bruised or broken ribs, but he’s alive. His new line of Kevlar made sure of it. I know he is in pain, but he finds a window and begins returning fire. Emerson takes a rifle up on a higher floor to find a nest. Jabarri hands her a communication device so we can stay in contact with her. She takes the stairs two at a time, disappearing up the stairwell. I take up position next to Brooklyn, and my mom, returning fire, too. We are killing as many as we can, but they just keep coming like roaches.
“How many did he bring?” Jabarri yells.
“I think our reputation caused him to overcompensate,” Atlas yells back.
“They’re making their way to the house!” Asher says.
“No matter what, they cannot get inside the house,” DJ says, and I know he’s right. We don’t have enough people to successfully fight them off if they get inside this house.