Page 12 of Impossible Crusade
“Oh, yes.” He winked, but he looked as shaken as she felt. “I’d forgotten about that. And what is it you feel you owe me, love?”
She wanted to be his love. She wanted him, his love, all of him. That wouldn’t happen today, but a kiss could. It might be a mistake, but she was letting down her guard and begging him to take her heart. She couldn’t resist him.
“A very long, very beautiful kiss,” she managed to squeak out.
His gaze became even more smoldering. He lowered her onto her feet and bent down until their lips were a fraction of an inch apart. His breath warmed her lips. “Chalisa, I don’t want you to kiss me …”
Her heart slammed to a stop. “What?”
“For any debt,” he finished, grinning at her, but then his grin slid away.
He ran his hands very slowly up her back, across her shoulders, and over the sides of her neck. Her entire body trembled. His warm palms cupped her jawline, his fingers threading into her hair, his thumbs gently caressing her cheeks. His touch distracted her, but his words brought everything back into focus.
“I want you to kiss me because you long for me, you crave me, you will never get enough of me. I want you to kiss me because you’ll never forget me or the connection we have.” His words were overly confident and semi-teasing, but his eyes were not. They were serious and begging her to agree. Thank heavens he felt their connection as well.
“Aiden.” Her voice was as husky as she’d ever heard it. “I long for you.” She ran her hands down his neck, across his shoulders, and to his biceps. She clung to them and pulled herself closer, kissing the right side of his mouth. “I crave you.” She brushed her lips over his and kissed the left side of his mouth, letting her lips linger there for a beat. “I will never get enough of you.” She aligned their mouths and gave him a soft, barely there kiss right below his lips. Trembling with need for him, she barely resisted kissing him long and hard. “I will never forget you and the connection we have,” she finished.
Please let their kiss be enough to make him not only never forget her, but come for her. Soon.
Aiden let out a ragged breath, his eyes warm. “I will never forget you, Chalisa,” he murmured. “Everlasting love has never been in the realm of possibility for me, but you ...”
She sucked in a breath and her heart raced out of control. He’d left the sentence open-ended. Their possibilities and dreams seemed open-ended. Anything good and wonderful could happen for them. She should be concerned that he’d said everlasting love hadn’t been in the realm of possibility for him, but the look in his eyes and his touch were a promise all their own. She could never worry or be afraid while she was in Aiden’s arms.
Then he kissed her.
Chalisa was swept up into a cloud of light and emotion. She hadn’t been lying when she said she longed for him, craved him, would never get enough of him, would never forget him. She’d believed they had a strong connection a moment ago, but the connection of their lips fusing together like they were meant to be one forged a bond between them that was stronger than anything on earth.
The kiss was an explosion of joy and desire. Chalisa knew in this perfect kiss, this incredible moment, that this man was the right man for her. She’d been created for Aiden. She was meant to kiss, hold, and love Captain Aiden Porter. From his kiss, she knew he felt the same. He was hers and she was his.
The events from tonight were such a stark contrast that it heightened the emotion of this moment even further. She’d been lifted from the horror of being attacked by a drug lord and into Aiden’s arms, life, and love. The safety and happiness she felt in Aiden’s embrace, consumed by his kiss, was the most beautiful experience of her life. It was the most inspiring and all-encompassing kiss on earth. Nothing could break them apart. Of course they would be together. Everlasting love.
Aiden drew back and looked at her in wonder. “Chalisa … I have never … You … Me …”
Then he was hungrily kissing her again. She assumed his partial sentences meant only great things. He was also in awe of the two of them finding each other like this.
Aiden kissed her very, very thoroughly. He seemed to drink her in, savor her, taste her, consume her.
Chalisa had no concerns while in his arms. Aiden had miraculously found and protected her, and now they would never be separated. Even if he had to finish his job, he would come for her. Soon. Even if he had formerly been a charming player, he was instantly the most loyal boyfriend on the planet.
“Oh. My. Goodness!” Jenn’s cry came from the open plane door.
Aiden whipped around to face her friend, tugging Chalisa behind him and holding onto her with his hand. Chalisa loved his reaction. He would always protect and shelter her. Could he someday also love her like his kiss said?
“Who are you, you handsome stud, and what are you doing to my bestie?” Jenn demanded, but Chalisa could hear the smile in her voice. “Whatever it is, it looks like fun.”
“Aiden Porter.” He nodded to Jenn.
“Wait! You are Aiden Porter. I’ve seen you on Entertainment News. You’re a top security specialist who dates all the actresses and influencers.”
Aiden slid his arm around Chalisa. Jenn’s words weren’t what she wanted to hear, but she’d suspected as much. She stared up into his handsome face. Aiden did not grant Jenn with the full power of his irresistible and smoldering grin. He smiled at her friend, but it was tight. In fact, everything about him was tight. Even his arm around her felt tight, the muscles bulging.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jenn. Let’s get you two on your way.” He let go of Chalisa. Completely. Released his hold on her and stepped a foot away.
She sucked in a breath, looking to him for reassurance, but he was studying Jenn and a man at her friend’s side she assumed was Jose. Chalisa smiled at both of them, but her smile was plastic and she felt like she’d been dropped on her head.
What had happened? How had she gone from kissing Aiden to not even touching him? She needed at least the connection of his hand surrounding hers or, even better, his hand around her hip or waist as it had been most of their time together. He was her safe space, her happiness, her love.
Let’s get you two on your way. She’d known it was coming, but she wasn’t prepared. How long would she and Aiden be separated? He’d said ‘everlasting love’ to her twice now. He’d bought her the necklace that meant everlasting love. They had an out-of-this-world connection. No way could this man, her Aiden, charm her and then hurt her. Go back to dating actresses and influencers. It wasn’t possible.