Page 15 of Impossible Crusade
“I name all my planes.” His grin was irresistible. “This beautiful twelve-passenger Cessna Citation X is one smooth ride. ‘Lay-la, you got me on my knees,’” he sang out. “Tourism has been going so well that Prince Quinn purchased this lovely jet for me a few weeks ago to transport tourists back and forth to the island. We now have Sunday and Wednesday flight options.” He was obviously very proud.
“I’m going to Magna?” Of course if Treck was here, it meant Magna. Her jetlagged brain was really working at a subpar level. Magna. A sense of security and home filled her.
“Did you not know?”
Chalisa shook her head. Julie had contacted her six weeks ago about being on a reality television show called A Chance for Charity and possibly winning a million dollars for Nursing Kindness.
She’d been so empty after returning home to Oceanside in January. For weeks, she had prayed Aiden would come, and she’d noticed Paul the pilot trailing her at times when she went to work, to one of her charity centers, or on a walk on the beach. She should’ve contacted Kingston, but she hadn’t told Kingston or Reagan about the attack from Jorge or her falling for Aiden in those blissful hours they’d been together. She’d even sworn Jenn to secrecy. Her family didn’t need to worry. Kingston wouldn’t have worried. He’d have come to watch over her himself, sent his men, or made her fly to Magna. Coming to Magna would’ve been a respite, but she hadn’t dared leave in case Aiden came for her.
She’d also made the mistake of Googling Aiden. A horrific mistake on her part. He was as incredibly handsome and appealing as she remembered. Apparently he had also dated most of the influencers, models, and actresses in the world, if all the photos of women draped around him meant anything besides a sledgehammer to her dreams. He was every bit the charming philanderer she’d feared he was.
Aiden came from a very wealthy family, had a successful career with the Marines before opting out to work for Sutton Smith, and then started his own security firm. According to The Rising Star, twenty-eight-year-old confirmed bachelor and heartthrob Captain Aiden Porter would be the next Sutton Smith. They philosophized Aiden would only settle down for a former Duchess—or maybe only a princess would do for Aiden, the magazine’s nominee for most eligible bachelor of the year.
Chalisa’s heart had started to fracture in that moment. She’d stupidly believed they had a magical connection. Aiden had simply been rescuing her and having a good time while he whisked her to safety—flirting and toying with her.
Everlasting love … what a farce.
Even then, she didn’t stop wearing the necklace.
Maybe all the women were in the past now that he’d met Chalisa. Not likely, but still a possibility.
The next few weeks were spent trying to convince herself Aiden was just a flashy, well-known, charismatic, and far too handsome jerk. He was not Chalisa’s type, and she absolutely did not love him. She repeated those words morning, noon, and night. They didn’t help. She did stop Googling him to save her own sanity.
It was almost February when Jenn came rushing into her apartment late one night, thrusting a social media post in her face. It was Aiden, wrapped around the famous actress Jezebel Noir. Jezebel was the ‘princess’ of Hollywood. Maybe Aiden had finally met his match. The actress was very proud of her latest conquest—Captain Aiden Porter. Famed security expert, billionaire, playboy, and retired Marine. The pictures of them staring into each other’s eyes and even kissing obviously weren’t for any kind of security detail.
Chalisa had crumpled while Jenn held her and apologized for showing her the post. When Chalisa calmed down, she thanked her friend and prayed for help.
She needed honesty. Needed to move on. To realize she’d meant nothing to Aiden but a protection op. It didn’t matter if she had fallen for him. He hadn’t returned the favor.
And still she wore the Maquech Beetle necklace.
The very next night, Paul had approached her and told her that Jorge had been captured and she didn’t need to worry any longer. She’d bravely asked if Aiden was with Jezebel Noir. He’d said yes. She’d stupidly asked if Aiden would ever come for her. As if him being with Jezebel wasn’t enough of a nail in their coffin. Paul’s dark gaze had been solemn and final. He’d simply said no.
Praying for strength and clear vision, she’d finally taken the necklace off, leaving it on her dresser and longing for him just like she’d said when she’d flirtatiously kissed the side of his mouth.
Her charity and work kept her busy. She’d focused on fundraising, committing more doctors and nurses to donating hours, and expanding to new cities with her clinics. The time spent on her charity and especially when she volunteered at her own clinics and helped with health care for those who couldn’t afford insurance but didn’t qualify for government help was her only solace. With the million dollars from Mercedes Belle, she could improve equipment in many of her centers, all of which were run on donations of money, time, and retail space. She also hoped to start expanding into third-world countries.
Unreal that she was going to Magna for the reality television show. It helped settle her nerves a bit. She loved Magna. Her family was there, and the royals all treated her like one of their own. It was very kind of Mercedes Belle and Julie to set this up for her. She wouldn’t be nearly so awkward or alone on Magna, no matter who she was paired with for the show’s purpose.
“My instructions are to fly you in and make you leave your purse with me. I promise I won’t rifle through it.” Treck winked. “And tell you to plan on a grand exit. With cameras rolling.”
“Great. I’m not the type for grand exits, and I hate cameras.”
He chuckled. “You’ll do great.”
She loaded up in the private jet. It was older, with plush tan recliners and wood trim, nothing like the sleek, top-of-the-line beauty of Aiden’s jet, but it was still very nice and comfortable. She sent her final texts and emails as they flew, wondering how she’d go without contact with her charity’s board, Jenn, and her family.
Wait. She was going to Magna. Would the show allow time with her family? Her mom and Reagan must not know she was coming. They hadn’t said anything in their texts or phone calls. Or were they trying to surprise her?
“Almost home, my friend,” Treck said over the intercom.
“Thank you,” she called back, wondering if he could hear her in the cockpit.
He took them straight over the island on his approach. Chalisa knew this view well, and she loved it. Magna was her second home. Being here would make the reality show so much more comfortable.
The verdant mountains rose below her, and she appreciated the contrast to the blue water and rocky coastline. The farther they flew, the coastline became soft, tan sand. She spotted the glistening castle spires and storybook town, but then they were over the ocean again and banking to land.