Page 21 of Impossible Crusade
Not letting down his guard and kissing that exquisite woman the entire week? Not admitting to her that if he was any other man in the world, he’d never spend another minute away from her side? He could spend a lifetime talking and teasing with her, soaking up her kindness and love.
Please help me, Dad, he begged.
Apparently he wasn’t above asking help from heaven, in a twisted sort of way.
This week would be sheer agony.
Chalisa could not concentrate as Mercedes Belle introduced each of them, bragging up Aiden and all his credentials and accomplishments as he smugly grinned. How did he appear so tough, charming, and yet closed-off and untouchable? In some ways, he didn’t even seem human—too perfect and cold.
She should’ve seen him more clearly the night she’d fallen for him. In her idealistic bubble, she’d assumed she had nestled against his real chest, the two of them underneath his armor. Now she realized that no one could touch Aiden Porter emotionally or hurt him physically. Whatever she thought they had between them was a farce. She’d punched him in the gut and he’d hardly even grunted. He didn’t even act afraid of Kingston. Kingston!
Mercedes finally finished ‘glazing’ Aiden, as Jenn would call all the praise. Then she went on for far too long about Chalisa’s background, charity, and her family connection with the royals of Magna.
Chalisa simply clung to Hope and paid more attention to her niece’s prattling than Mercedes or the camera, and Aiden didn’t move to either shake her hand or, surprisingly, say anything charming after the introductions. There was an awkward, pregnant pause. The silence was filled with the rhythmic waves rolling onto the beach not far away and Hope’s sweet voice. Then Shawn encouraged Mercedes to explain the challenges for the next week.
She smiled at Shawn and then went on and on about how she was honored to be here in the Hidden Kingdom, and Aiden and Chalisa would be able to participate in all the exciting things the royal family of Magna did with style—jousting, sword-fighting, archery, target shooting, hand to hand combat, hunting, horse-back riding.
Maybe there were more. Who knew?
The royal family hunted? Chalisa had spent a decent amount of time on Magna, and she’d never seen any of them hunt. Except for Samson, Princess Constance’s husband who lived up in the mountains as the leader of the Dissenters, a formerly rebellious group who had calmed under Samson’s influence.
Chalisa could hardly pay attention to Mercedes’s voice or even worry about challenges she’d never excel at. She was fighting with everything in her not to fling herself into Aiden’s arms and beg him to love her. How humiliating would that be? Yet if it would work, if she could convince him with a kiss how right they were, and they could finally be together …
Oh my! She could not be this sappy and weak with him around. What were the odds of her getting matched with the very man she needed to avoid? This could not be endorsed by heaven. It hurt too much.
She’d pray more earnestly that the good Lord would bless her with the actual right man for her. Then she could shove that perfect man in Aiden’s face. Wouldn’t that be a saintly thing to do? She should’ve smiled, but she was too depressed. Would such a miracle ever occur for her?
She should’ve let Kingston pummel Aiden. Yet she remembered how easily and silently Aiden had taken out Jorge and his beefy bodyguards. Maybe Kingston would have a challenge fighting Aiden. She appreciated her tough brother-in-law, but she didn’t want anybody to be fighting. She didn’t need to be mopping up blood and broken bodies after a fight. The thought of Aiden with a split lip and brow made her cringe, but then she imagined she could tenderly clean up his cuts, touch his smooth skin, have him look at her like she was his world again, and then they’d kiss.
Stop it, she yelled in her own head.
Clinging to Hope and ignoring the concerned glances from her mom, Reagan, and Kingston, she was stunned when she heard that she and Aiden were going to ride with Kingston and Garrett the cameraman to the stadium to begin their training while the rest of her family returned to the castle with Mercedes and Shawn. She didn’t want to let Hope out of her arms or say goodbye to her mom or Reagan yet. It was probably for the best that her mom and sister didn’t get her alone so she wouldn’t spill the complete saga of her and Aiden’s tragic love story. Everlasting love? Not likely. The necklace felt heavy in her pocket.
“You and your incredible protector, Captain Aiden Porter”—Mercedes seemed to relish saying his name—“will have the next three and a half days to train with General Kingston and other incredible princes and royal guards to become as proficient as possible in the events for our competition. Shawn’s Navy SEAL friends will be here on Thursday evening. They’ll go in blind without the training you’ll receive, but honestly they’ll still have an upper hand. They’re amazing,” she sang out, grinning. “You will compete all day Friday in the events at the stadium. Saturday is a special competition that we will explain later. You have to achieve the highest points total as a couple to win the million dollars. Any questions?”
Win the highest points total? Against trained Navy SEALs? Aiden could easily win, but she’d be no help with points accumulation. Kingston had taught her to ride a horse, and she enjoyed the times she’d ridden, but she’d never attempted to joust. She was decent at archery but again stood no chance against trained warriors.
Jousting, sword fighting, target shooting, and hand to hand combat? Against Navy SEALs? She broke out in a cold sweat that had nothing to do with fighting her feelings for Aiden this week.
“Wait.” She held up a hand. “You’re saying the two of us have to get more points than two Navy SEALs? Is that possible?”
Aiden grinned and winked at her before Mercedes could respond. “You’ll do fabulous love, but don’t worry. I can easily outshine two SEALs.”
Shawn frowned at him.
She gritted her teeth to keep from yelling at him not to call her love. Kingston’s glower spoke volumes. He did not like Aiden toying with her and would put him in his place before the day was over. She’d never been more grateful for her brawny brother-in-law. No, that wasn’t true. She was grateful for Kingston every day. The way he loved her sister and niece and made them both incredibly happy.
“You’ll both do great,” Mercedes said. “But Aiden is right. He’s the most impressive warrior any of us has ever seen.”
Aiden bowed gallantly. “Thank you, Miss Belle.”
Shawn’s brows lowered into a V, and he looked as angry as Kingston.
“All right, Shawn.” Mercedes beamed up at him. “I am finally in Magna. It’s time to explore the castle and storybook village.”