Page 30 of Impossible Crusade
Dang was right. The fact that loyal and funny Reagan didn’t make a joke, quote a movie line, and dismiss Jezebel Noir as ‘no competition’ to Chalisa spoke volumes. No woman could steal the gorgeous actress’s man. Especially not a nurse Aiden had rescued, charmed, bought a necklace that symbolized everlasting love for, kissed like he was her other half, and then walked away from three months ago. Guaranteed he wouldn’t walk away from Jezebel until she was done with him, and how could any woman ever be done with Aiden? Ugh.
“But he’s been flirting with you nonstop and giving you all these smoldering looks.” Reagan shook her head. “He is a jerk. I’m glad Kingston pummeled him.”
Chalisa should be glad too, but she was only relieved it was over and Aiden was still mostly in one piece. A bloody nose. Possibly cracked ribs. Hopefully no broken bones. Aiden hadn’t reacted like Kingston had broken him, but he was too tough to let it show. Would he let her doctor his wounds tonight? Her mouth went dry as she envisioned running her hands over his skin to check for injuries, then ministering aid to him.
Aiden handed the bloody towel and the empty water bottle back to Wes and seemed to be arguing with him. He turned from Wes and strode toward Kingston and Stuart.
“Ready for round two?” Aiden said so loudly it carried to where she stood.
Both men turned to look at him. Their gazes were … incredulous.
Chalisa’s stomach turned over, and she stood and grasped the railing. “Aiden, no!” she screamed.
He glanced over at her. He needed steri-strips or stitches, a lot of ibuprofen, a wrap for his ribs, and a hot bath. She could only hope there were no internal injuries she wouldn’t find without an X-ray or MRI.
Aiden smiled as if he were on top of the world and she’d just cheered for him. He gave her a dashing wink.
The nerve. The absolute nerve of this man.
He turned back to Kingston and splayed his hands. “Or are you conceding the fight to me? I had no idea a general could be such a lightweight.”
Chalisa sucked in a breath. Aiden was the biggest idiot she had ever met. Kingston was going to kill him. At best, he’d lose a limb.
Kingston didn’t disappoint. He shoved the towel and water into Stuart’s hands and lunged at Aiden.
“Oh, no,” Reagan breathed out.
Aiden leaped to the side, flipped into the air, and slammed both fists into Kingston’s broad back. He grasped Kingston’s upper arms from behind and used Kingston’s forward momentum and his own body weight to knock Kingston flat on his face.
Chalisa jolted. Everyone cried out in surprise. Had she seen that correctly?
Aiden was on top of Kingston, who was still lying face down in the dirt. Aiden’s fists were a blur. He drove them into Kingston’s flanks over and over again as if he were tenderizing meat. At the very least, the general would have some blood in his urine for a few days.
“No!” Reagan jumped to her feet next to Chalisa.
Kingston roared and flipped over, and the fight was instantly out of control. The men traded hits and rolled around like monkeys. Aiden was quick and lithe, and he avoided most of the punches, jabs, or kicks Kingston threw at him, and he got in vicious hit after vicious hit.
Kingston managed to get to his feet and backed up a couple steps, shaking his head as if to clear it.
Aiden sprang forward and leaped into the air. His foot came around in a graceful arc and connected cleanly with the side of Kingston’s face. The huge man staggered back several feet. He stayed upright, just barely.
“We have to stop this,” Reagan said.
“What?” Chalisa didn’t even glance at her sister. “Now that Kingston has a challenge, we have to stop it?”
“Are you serious right now?” her sister demanded.
Chalisa couldn’t believe those words had come out of her mouth. She’d absolutely loathed the battle when Aiden was being pummeled. Now that the roles were reversed and he was fighting like the most glorious MMA fighter of the century, she found she was intrigued and impressed by the fight and the unreal way he could move his body. At the same time, she could hear the fear in Reagan’s voice and she loved her brother-in-law and sister. They did need to stop the fight.
Aiden launched himself at Kingston.
The general roared and flung himself forward to meet him. They were going to knock each other out. Aiden somehow grabbed Kingston’s arm, flipped himself around onto Kingston’s back, slammed his elbow between Kingston’s shoulder blades, and knocked the huge man into the dirt again.
This time … Kingston didn’t move.
“Kingston!” Reagan screamed out. She flipped herself over the railing and dropped to the dirt ten feet below. Impressive. When had her sister learned that move?
Reagan ran for her husband.