Page 34 of Impossible Crusade
“Anything I can do to welcome the tourists.” Kingston gave him a half-smile, tilted his chin up to him, and strode off.
Aiden turned to the door. How could he explain to Kingston, to Chalisa, to himself even, what a mess he was regarding her? He couldn’t commit to her, he knew that, but he found himself longing to simply be close to her, hear her voice, touch her, soak up her angelic presence. That wasn’t fair to her, but …
Everlasting love.
What kind of spell had he been under that night to buy her a necklace that meant everlasting love?
Every move in his life had been calculated. Every choice. How had Chalisa dug into his heart so easily?
Maybe he was like that dieter who lost a hundred pounds and didn’t touch sugar for years, but then sugar was shoved in his mouth and he went insane over it and lost all control.
He rolled his eyes at his weird analogy and knocked on the door. He was in control. Chalisa was an incredible woman, but he couldn’t alter his life path. His dad had done everything for Aiden to be right where he was and heading right where he should be. No woman, no matter how perfect for him, could change that.
Then the door opened.
Aiden’s jaw went slack, and his eyes probably bugged out of his head.
Chalisa’s long blonde hair was in soft curls. Her face was as gorgeous as ever with her big blue eyes and full lips highlighted by her makeup, her skin soft and smooth-looking. She wore a pale blue dress with a V-neck. The silky fabric draped to the floor but clung so perfectly to her body he should’ve been speechless. Instead, he opened his mouth and knew Kingston should come try to pummel him as Aiden was giving Chalisa the exact wrong message once again.
“Ah, love, it is completely unfair for you to be so beautiful.” He meant every word. “You are exquisite.” He took a deep inhale. Her perfume was a light coconut and vanilla mix. “And you smell like heaven.”
Their gazes caught and held. She was heaven to him. How in the world was he supposed to resist her? Who would expect him to? His dad, Sutton, Ike, his men, Kingston, Reagan… anyone who cared about either of them would know he wasn’t the right man for an angel like this. He’d never alter his plans, even if he could be worthy to stand by Chalisa’s side.
She gave him a small smile. “You are a mess, and you smell like dirt and blood.”
He chuckled at that and appreciated the break in the tension. “I’ll shower quick and escort you down to dinner.”
She stepped back, and he walked into the suite, forcing his gaze away from her mesmerizing face. There was a small kitchenette with a table and two chairs, a couch and an overstuffed chair, and a flat screen on the wall. Everything looked clean and high quality. Huge windows overlooked a garden, the river, the town, and the beach and ocean beyond. There was a door on each side of the small living area.
“Mercedes and Julia set it all up. The clothes they picked out for you and toiletries are in the bedroom and bathroom on the left.”
“Thank you. I’ll hurry.”
“Aiden.” Before he could step away, she glided to him and put a hand on his arm. Dang, she smelled delicious and looked even better. “Do you need me to look at your injuries?”
His pulse skyrocketed and his body was far too warm. “You want to play doctor, love?”
She shook her head and only gave him a slight smile. “That fight was vicious. Did you break anything?” She looked at his nose.
“No, love. I may have a slightly cracked rib, but my bones are unbreakable. It’s a Porter blessing.”
She pushed out a huffy breath. “Everybody’s bones break.”
“Not mine.” He shrugged. His dad used to call him and Ike his ‘bionic boys.’ His nickname in the Marines had ironically been Bionic Man. As a teenager, Ike had won almost every time they sparred, but it had been years since anyone, even his incredible brother, had bested Aiden. He’d heard men whisper he wasn’t human when they saw him fight. Sometimes he felt more like a machine, just like his dad had trained him and Ike to be. But not with her.
“What about your heart?” she asked. “Has that ever broken?”
With anyone else, the words would’ve come across as snooty or petty. With Chalisa, it was genuine concern.
Aiden blinked at her. Nobody had ever cared about the condition of his heart. He hadn’t broken her heart, had he? It had been a magical, insane two hours they’d spent together. He’d never experienced such a draw before or after, but it was simply extreme attraction. Not love. Never that.
For some reason, his gaze was drawn to the V-neck of her dress. He’d recognized earlier she had a necklace on, but the entire picture of Chalisa had been so consuming he hadn’t focused on the necklace.
Now he couldn’t drag his eyes away. The Maquech Beetle. Everlasting love. Aiden had lied to himself for the past three months, quite successfully most of the time. At this moment, it all rushed back.
They were meant to be together.
He let out a far too telling groan and his hand moved of its own accord, tracing the skin of her neck around the amber pendant.