Page 38 of Impossible Crusade
Chalisa’s hands fell to her sides. She was propelled back to the awful reality that they had no relationship, no matter how connected she felt to him and the hope she’d had that their reunion was orchestrated by heaven.
“I understand,” she whispered, hating the concession.
“You do?” He shook his head. “Of course you do. You are the most generous and impressive woman I have ever met in my life.”
Chalisa appreciated the compliment, but she had to clarify. “You’re dating Jezebel Noir.”
“Pardon me?” He appeared truly confused.
“That’s why you can’t ‘do this to me.’”
“Ah, no.” He laughed, but there was no humor in it. “No, love. Jezebel has nothing to do with why I can’t kiss you until you understand exactly how special you are to me.”
Her brows rose. His words confused her. Aiden was either her perfect man—maybe he’d broken up with Jezebel and was ready to pursue her—or the biggest schmoozer and liar she’d ever met.
Wait. He’d said why he couldn’t kiss her. None of this was reassuring or enlightening.
“I’m not dating Jezebel,” he insisted when she only stared at him. “Her agent coordinated a photo shoot with me so she could use me as her boyfriend for a publicity stunt. It was good exposure for both of us.”
Her stomach twisted, yet she felt light and hopeful. “All those pictures?”
“They meant nothing. I’ve never even gone to dinner with Jezebel. Nice lady, but not for me. Kissing her for those pictures…” He lifted his hands. “It did nothing for me.”
Chalisa’s heart raced.
“Chalisa.” He moved back in but this time reached for her hand. He paused for several beats, his eyes conflicted, then nodded as if he’d reached a decision. “I have to tell you the truth, so you can understand why I had to leave three months ago. Why I can’t be with you now.”
Her heart slammed against her rib cage. She wanted an explanation, but she didn’t want to know that they had no chance.
“You are the only woman who has ever stolen my heart.”
She stared at him, stunned. She had stolen his heart, but … “How can I believe that? Have you ever Googled yourself?”
He gave a short laugh. “Only every morning.” His eyes became earnest. “Chalisa. I don’t date any of those women who take pictures with me and pretend we’re together. If they kiss me, it means nothing. I’m too closed off to feel anything and nobody penetrates my shell. I flirt and tease and move on. You are the only one who’s ever broken through.” He released her hand and paced the small bathroom.
Her heart took flight. He had fallen for her in those two hours together.
“Aiden.” She stepped up to him and touched his arm. “You mean everything to me. I fell for you. These past three months, I’ve longed for you.”
She expected him to wrap her up quicker than he had in their suite and kiss her very, very thoroughly. Instead, he stared at her as if she’d shot his dog.
“Ah, love. I’m so terribly sorry. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me.” He shoved a hand through his hair and studied the sink. “I loathe myself right now.”
“I can forgive you. We can be together. You felt how right it was for us to be together. You still feel it.”
He met her gaze, and she could see he agreed, but there was a terrible battle waging in his eyes.
She took his hand and placed it on her amber necklace. “Everlasting love. Remember?”
He tenderly lifted her necklace, his warm fingers making the skin of her neck tingle. “I’ll never forget.”
She smiled, and her dreams of this man took flight again. They were meant to be, and he was the most incredible human on the planet.
“I can’t.”
Those two words ripped her dreams apart before her eyes.
His gaze was tortured as he met her eyes again. “Those two hours were beautiful, extraordinary, out of this world. Your sweetness ripped through my defenses. I let down my guard like I’ve never done in my life and everything I said to you, every touch was genuine, real. I’ve never felt real with a woman before. I fell hard for you.”