Page 51 of Impossible Crusade
“You don’t need any luck. If you can beat Kingston, you’ll destroy both of these guys, but I definitely need a kiss.”
Aiden chuckled and took her helmet off. He held it in one hand, cupped her cheek with the other, and kissed her. The crowd roared their approval. He forced himself to release her and wave to the crowd.
“Thank you,” he said for only Chalisa to hear. “With that kiss, West doesn’t stand a chance.”
“More to come when you win. Thank you for being my champion and helping me win the million dollars.”
Aiden loved the promise of more kissing. Chalisa was poised and brave. What a woman. If only she could be his.
He escorted her to Kingston. The man gave him a serious nod and demanded, “You get all ten points.”
“Yes, general.”
Aiden had his hands wrapped, his head gear on, and strode to the sparring ring. He didn’t waste any time taunting, letting West feel like he had a chance, or messing around for one moment. The match started, and it was apparent that West was strong and a great fighter. Aiden used every bit of speed, talent, and finely honed strength and skill he’d earned throughout his life. He had West bloody, bruised, broken, and pinned in under a minute.
As soon as Kingston called the match, Aiden jumped to his feet and offered West a hand up.
West took the offered hand and sprang to his feet. He clapped Aiden on the shoulder. “It was an honor to fight you. Even more impressive up close and personal than on the videos I’ve watched.”
“Thank you,” Aiden smiled, grateful the guy was so easygoing.
“Winning all ten points, Captain Aiden Porter,” Prince Bodi announced.
The crowd went nuts.
The morning sped by.
Lemuel easily flipped Chalisa’s sword out of her hands, caught it, and won all ten points.
They all lined up to compete in archery. Aiden and West both got all bullseyes and received four of the ten points. Chalisa got one and Lemuel got one. Aiden enjoyed that.
The target shooting was similar, but Lemuel did much better and Chalisa worse. She had zero points, West got three, Lemuel three, and Aiden four.
Aiden and West suited up for the joust. West had luckily never been on a horse and was all over the place. The lieutenant only stayed on his horse through sheer strength and grit. He wasn’t able to place his lance in the right position to hit Aiden with it.
Aiden shattered his lance on the guy’s chest three times and received all ten points, making the Magnite fans cheer raucously. Stuart was, of course, very proud.
Aiden was beaming. Until he had to watch Chalisa get in the sparring ring with Lemuel. His gut churned, and he stood at the very edge of the ring, making sure Lemuel knew he was there.
Usually Aiden had a smirk or grin on his face. Right now, he was glowering. He didn’t even care if the camera focused on him and Sutton wondered about his lack of poise. Lemuel staying in line was all that mattered to him.
Lemuel strode up to Chalisa in the ring, smiling. He said something to her that made Chalisa smile and made Aiden’s muscles tighten. Chalisa looked cute in the head gear and wearing protective chest and arm pads, her hands wrapped up.
As soon as Kingston signaled, the SEAL quickly wrapped Chalisa up in his arms, dropped to the ground, did a reversal, and pinned her in the dirt. Chalisa struggled underneath him, and Aiden’s chest filled with red-hot anger. He seized the fence to vault over it. Stuart and Wes both grabbed him from behind.
“He has to pin her to win,” Wes said quietly. “It’ll be over quick.”
Aiden let them restrain him and knew Wes was right, but it was sickening to watch Chalisa underneath Lemuel. It reminded him of the first night they met and him rescuing her from Jorge. If only he could jump in and incapacitate Lemuel like he had Jorge.
Kingston called the match, awarding Lemuel the ten points. The crowd didn’t cheer. Lemuel popped up and helped Chalisa to her feet.
Wes and Stuart released his arms and Aiden was over the barrier. He hurried to Chalisa and Lemuel.
“Forgive me for pinning you,” Lemuel was saying.
“It’s okay.” Chalisa was dusty, but she seemed okay.
Aiden slid his arm around her and directed her away from Lemuel. The guy probably glared at him, but he didn’t care. Chalisa was smiling up at him, and that was all that mattered.