Page 12 of Restoring Faith
“Surely there’s a boyfriend or whatever,” I wave slightly dismissively. There is no way she won’t have someone.
“Nope. Eventually, everyone leaves.” A bitter response with a laser focus on her car. She doesn’t even offer a look back toward me or shrug of her shoulders.
The response takes me back. Everyone leaves?
Chapter 5
Victor stayed later than I expected, and he tried to continue some sort of conversation with me. Thankfully, it wasn’t about selling the garage, but it was about my personal life. It’s already depressing living this lonely life, but to be challenged in it is another thing.
I ended up just packing up and heading to my place. He was so fucking annoying. I just wanted to work on my girl and he couldn’t stop talking about hooking up, how much money he makes, blah—throw up—blah. He will never see that money will only bring heartache.
The people of our small town look out for one another. Ohana. A small community of family. When my dad left and my mom got injured, the community stepped up and helped us the best they could. They checked in and had some food to eat. In a town that’s already struggling to keep the lights on, they still did what they could for us. Even if it was to let us use their shower because the county turned off our water, or offering some leftovers or a few dollars here and there for mom’s medical bills. A fill in here—a fill in there. We help one another.
Currently, I am sitting in Massey’s office with my feet propped up on her desk. My ragged vans slip-on shoes are out of place on her mahogany pristine desk. Ratty jean shorts and my vintage AC/DC shirt are a stark contrast to her pants suit.
Victor said he would drop my board off, and I’m going through saltwater withdrawals. I have my short board, but I prefer my longboard. It’s a smoother and more calming ride. I mean, how do you go to the beach and just sit in the sand? The ocean calls my name and reminds me to make a spare longboard for myself.
“How was the date?” I ask, needing to pass the time.
“Um…You really want to hear?” She refuses to make contact.
“All but the gooey crap.” I pop a piece of candy in my mouth, waiting for her to answer.
“It was okay.”
“Just, okay?” Nah, I need more.
“The Hutt was nice. Good food, but honestly, it got awkward. Like it’s all out in the open and we just kind of sat there not talking.”
I laugh. My brother was a nervous wreck. “Oh, man. Are you going out again?”
“I hope so.” She drops her eyes toward the desk. She seems embarrassed. “He hasn’t called. Is this weird for you? To talk about this?”
“Yes.” I release a massive laugh and cup my stomach.
“Is what weird?” Mr. Withers pops his head around the door.
“Um, the deal that Victor wants with the garage.” Massey quickly says.
My eyes pinch at her sudden change of subject. An uncomfortable feeling sits at the bottom of my stomach. I roll my eyes and head, slowly looking back at her. I know she doesn’t have any involvement in it and I’m not sure how much Mr. Withers has, but the talk about losing our place of business has me in stitches. Painful stitches.
“I think it’s a mistake to sell, but Victor and his dad seem to think it’s a good deal. The builders are pushing hard for that area,” Mr. Withers offers. “You think he will sell?”
“Hope not. I don’t know what I’d do if he closed up and left,” I answer honestly. That garage has been mine and my sibling’s life. It’s all I’ve ever known.
“You are a talented mechanic. I’m sure you could find something.” He kindly smiles at me. I offer a grateful smile back. He looked at Massey as if he suddenly remembered why he was in her office. “Massey, remember there is a business dinner at the Marriott. We are trying to bid for a new client.”
“Got it.” She nods.
“Have a good afternoon, ladies.” He waves and turns the corner.
I swing my head fast toward my friend. “Why did you do that?”
She looks at me, confused. I inhale in a deep breath, trying to hold in my displeasure at her dismissal of our conversation.
“Why didn’t you tell him about your date with Lawson?” I pin her with a stare.