Page 36 of Restoring Faith
“Why did you fight with Lawson?” His voice is just above a whisper, but I can hear the concern.
“You want to know?” I raise my head and look over my shoulder at him.
“I want to know everything about you,” he answers honestly. “So, yes.”
“Lawson and I fought about you and how I took you to meet our mom. Leland has been on the phone with our lawyers. It’s not looking so good.”
“I’m so sorry, Collins. I don’t want you to fight with Lawson. Is there anything I can do to help Leland?”
I point to the office where the music is still going strong. “I have no idea if you can help him to be honest. I’m still not sure what’s happening. As far as Lawson, it’s not your fault. I wanted you to meet her, and you did. I don’t regret it, do you?”
“No, I understand you a lot better now.” Victor rubs down my greasy and sweaty arms.
“You are going to get your nice work clothes messed up. Grease isn’t forgiving.”
“Oh, I know! I threw my clothes out the day I worked here. I get why you looked at me with disgust in my polo shirt.” He laughs. “How’s your girl?”
“She’s good today. Maybe later this week we can take her for a test drive? Test out the new fuel system that I installed?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”
“Just tell me when you are available.”
“Anytime you need,” he reassures me. I don’t know why, but it makes me giddy like a schoolgirl. “So, I packed a bag… I didn’t want to assume, but… your place or mine?”
“What do you want?” Biting my lip, I already know the answer, but it’s nice to hear.
“Hands down, your place. I love the outdoor shower,” he admits.
“Yeah?” I turn slightly to look at him.
“Are you kidding? Yeah! Plus, you don’t have any neighbors,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
I turn my whole body to face him. “Wait, aren’t you from New York? The overpopulated city.”
“Yeah, but we keep to ourselves. My apartment is more soundproof and neighbors leave you alone. Here, neighbors are nosey or touristy.”
I giggle at his response. “Is that even a word?”
“I said it, so sure,” he teases. His head dips lower and his lips hover over my temple. “I’m addicted.”
“To what?” I whisper, digging for more information. I’m drowning in this feeling with him. It’s a mixture of excitement and calm that settles the worry. His entire demeanor went from someone I couldn’t understand to a man who makes it easy to smile.
“The quiet, man. It’s nice.”
“So, you like me for my house. The outdoor shower and the quiet?” I bury my face in the crook of his neck. I lay a soft kiss on his neck, my lips smiling against his skin.
“That had better be the only answer he has in this room,” Leland interjects.
We jump apart at his sudden appearance.
“Oh yeah, and the company, too. She’s pretty exceptional,” Victor adds.
“She’s fucking amazing,” Leland corrects him. “I’m out sis, lock up when you are done. Victor …Watch yourself with her,” he warns.
“Got it.”
“Love you, sis.” Leland nods and turns on his heel, heading out.