Page 41 of Restoring Faith
“Who gives a shit about them,” Victor says between the peppered kisses along my neck. “I love when you are confident Collins, putting people in their place. I love when people don’t know how to take you.” He kisses my shoulder. The back of his hand is playing with my exposed leg, teasing the slit of my dress. “Those guys want you, and you are all mine.”
“Well, they have more money than you, ’cause you know, that’s important,” I tease.
“They’ve got nothing on me, baby.” His lips find my ear and I shiver.
I smile, knowing he loves this. He pulls me in for a deep kiss, and for a moment, I forget where we are. I pull at his hair and his hand moves more inside of my skirt.
A hoarse, fake cough brings us out of our moment.
Victor doesn’t break apart or move away. We just look over at the rude individual who is interrupting us.
“Um, gross, keep it in your pants, Victor.” She gives a disappointed look.
“I don’t know. It’s pretty amazing.” I run my hand over the front of his pants while giggling at Angel.
Angel eyes me and then focuses her attention on Victor. “A mechanic? Come on, Victor, you can do better. I gave you two girls on a plate when you came here. They were perfect for you.”
“Clearly not good enough.” Victor turns his attention toward me. With the biggest smile, he holds his arm up. “Collins, are you ready to go?”
I nod and push off the wall. All the words that I wish to say are stuck in my throat. Walking arm in arm, he doesn’t look back, but I do.
“Don’t do that. She’s not worth a second look.” He whispers.
We stand waiting for the valet to show up with his car. His hand is resting on my lower hip, gently gripping my side. His lips are resting on my temple, ever so slightly leaving kiss after kiss.
“By far, the best dinner ever,” he whispers. “You have made those women jealous and the men envious. I’m so turned on right now.”
“Oh? Wait till we get home.”
I watch his eyes grow by three sizes and the smile that encompasses his face is priceless.
“Yours or mine?” I ask, already knowing the answer.
“Yours! Definitely yours!”
Chapter 16
These couple of weeks… have been blissful. Victor has been skipping out of work early most days, and we spend as much time together as we can. My girl received a fresh coat of paint, and she looks beautiful. I went with a matte black. Black is always slimming and my girl, well, she deserves a nice black dress.
I’ve shown Victor more sides of the island. Whale watching, botanical gardens, and my all-time favorite were the waterfall hikes. We’ve done the luaus and even embarrassed him by having them pull him up to dance in front of everyone. Just like fixing the cars, he is God-awful.
It’s hard to imagine when I first met him, how stuffy he was. How cocky and assertive he was. How much money meant to him?
Hawaii has worked her magic, and he has relaxed and even is sporting some scruff on his face. He still has the fancy pajamas he likes to wear, along with fancy dinners every once in a while. Regardless of where we are, or where we go, he’s made Hawaii feel more like home. I’ve found a better understanding of the early mornings, too. No matter which place we stay at, I get up early and help Victor make the bed. The first thing we do together, and I have to confess, I sort of adore it. I never realized how accomplished I would feel by simply making my bed. The feeling of crawling into bed at the end of the day is a mental release when I pull the blanket back. Adding to him crawling into bed next to me, pure comfort.
Leland is still working with a lawyer to block the county’s efforts to try to take the businesses and homes. He refuses to talk to me about it. Constant promises that he’s handling it and I’m trusting it, so I’m trying to leave it be.
Today, Victor and I are sitting in the sand at my house and I have my feet propped on his lap. The sun beats down, melting any stress from life.
“It’s so nice today.” I take a deep breath of fresh air. A soft breeze pushes through our entwined limbs, gently swaying all the fabric between us.
“Yeah, it’s pretty perfect,” he responds. There is a calmness in his voice.
I probably shouldn’t push this conversation, but my emotions have been building. “Can I ask you something?”