Page 45 of Restoring Faith
I can feel the heat rise to my face, anger, resentment. My eyes fill with unshed tears, begging to fall.
How … how?
I am so lost in all the papers I don’t hear Lawson step up behind me.
“Yo, what’s good sis?” he asks. “Hey…”
It’s when I hear the voice of my best friend and that’s when I lose it. “Collins, are you okay?”
I take the papers in hand and turn around. My fingers scrunch over the edges, crumpling the documents.
“Did you know?” My eyes lock on to hers.
“Know what?” She looks at me, confused.
“Did you?” I look at Lawson.
“Whoa, what’s up?” His hands shoot up to the side of his body.
I shove the papers at them. Massey quickly gathers them, looking them over. Lawson dips behind her with his head resting on her shoulder. My heart squeezes at his loving nature and how this could tear him apart. Massey’s eyes grow as she reads further.
“Collins, I had no idea! This isn’t my department. I swear I didn’t know,” she says, and I believe her. Yet, it doesn’t dull the ache in my chest.
It’s his signature on those documents. His handwriting.
“Where is he?” I ask.
“I don’t know if it’s smart for you to approach him right now,” she warns, knowing what I may do.
Lawson snakes the papers from her hands, looking them over. His face contorts with confusion before it transforms into a hateful gaze. He suddenly sees why I’m angry. Lawson’s eyes connect to mine and in a silent conversation, he knows what I’ll do. Massey must realize she’s going to lose this battle of wills, so she folds.
“He’s at a corporate dinner at Aloha,” she whispers. Dropping her head to her chest, I wish I could feel bad for putting her in this position, but we will lose everything.
“Thank you.” I shake my head, digging my keys from my bag. “I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I won’t mean it. You’ll never understand what it’s like to be me.”
“That’s not fair!” Hurt coats her voice like tar. I’m hurting so badly and even though she’s always been my best friend, she’ll never have to go without. She has loving parents, and the financial help. She has never had to worry about where her next meal came from.
I’m such an asshole at this moment. I need to get away before I say anything else to ruin my relationship with my best friend.
“I’m with you, Collins.” Lawson follows behind me as we walk to my truck.
Massey is yelling behind me, “Don’t do something when you are upset, Collins.”
Even though I’ve put my foot in my mouth with her, she’s still trying to offer sound advice. Logical advice. But I can’t even respond. Bitterness coats my throat with each swallow.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lawson texting Leland. I’m positive it’s a warning, but I am on a mission.
My old pickup truck groans as I force it into park outside the restaurant. I’m stomping so hard I’m surprised my flip-flops haven’t ripped in half. Bypassing the hostess with a scowl across my face, her warm greeting fades from her lips. I spot him at a table full of people.
At first when he spots me, the excitement on his face should crack my cold hard shell, but as I come closer, he discerns the anger and hurt on my face.
He genuinely appears concerned and stands to meet me halfway.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What’s …”
I slam the papers on his chest. “How could you!”