Page 47 of Restoring Faith
I drive away without looking back. There was no pretending or sugarcoating from my side. I was just another pawn in his chess game and what I thought restored a lonely heart is no more.
Chapter 18
You. Have. To. Be. Kidding. Me.
I watch her drive away. My inner self is unraveling. Yeah, I can be a heartless shark, but this go around I wasn’t. I’ve been working to kill the deal. The more time spent with her here in this world of paradise proved to me that this isn’t paradise. This is their home, and I am a fool for trying to make her into what the rest of society deems normal. Commercial deals aren’t black and white. They don’t move quickly. So many factors come into play with paperwork for zoning, rights, easements, and so forth.
Leland and Lawson broke their grip on my shoulders and arms as soon as her truck was out of sight. I know this is a bad idea, but I can’t help myself. Anger gets the best of me. My body turns and my fists find its way to each of their cheeks. Both men stumble backward in shock. It’s pretty obvious that I’m not a fighter. Not physically, at least. I’m thankful that Leland doesn’t come back at me, but Lawson lets off a full swing, connecting to my face.
Pain radiates through my face and with unspoken understanding, I’ve somehow fucked up and hurt the woman who is the glue of everything in our lives. He and I trade blow for blow until we are both bloodied and exhausted. My punches are nowhere near as hard as Lawson’s. The back of my hand swipes away at my bottom lip where a fresh cut oozes blood. I move my jaw around, trying to relieve the pain from settling in. Lawson stands, hands ready, as I am hunched over, trying to catch my breath. Fuck, it hurts.
“You two got it out of your system?” Leland asks.
We both stand and face the massive man while he crosses his arms over his chest and tips his chin to the sky. The papers Collins threw at my chest are now in his hands.
“He hurt my sister. He’s lucky he’s not dead.” Lawson spits blood on the ground and points to me.
“I love her,” I shout.
“Then what is all of this shit?” Lawson points to the papers Leland is now holding. I’m breaking a sweat and Lawson is unphased that we were just in a physical altercation.
“I don’t know,” I admit. I wouldn’t lie about that.
“So, someone forged your signature?” Leland adds.
“No, it’s mine,” I say with defeat. It is my signature, but those aren’t the paperwork that I had drawn up. “Listen, I was leaving work early or going in late. I had mounds of paperwork. The documents I submitted to the courts, and the county, were to not obtain eminent domain. At least that is what I drew up. It must have gotten switched.”
“Don’t you read before you sign,” Leland mocks. Words dig into my skin like daggers. That’s one of the first things you learn about being a lawyer. Read. The. Documents.
I fucked up big time.
“I just… I needed to see Collins. I swear, I trusted that I had the right documents. I didn’t fully read all the documents, I was distracted. I just wanted more time with her, she … is… God!”
“And here we are.” Leland casually taps the papers on his leg.
Everything he has built and protected is now in the hands of the local government. They decide if he stays or if he goes. It’s my doing that it has come this far.
“I’m going to fix this,” I say.
“You can’t.” Leland shakes his head. Frustration finally coming to the surface of a man who genuinely has held everything together for so long. “They have a buyer. I can’t afford to outbid for my own property.”
“Let me try …”
“Just stop! For fuck’s sake, just stop!” Leland finally loses it. He bundles the packet of papers in his hands and tosses at my feet.
“Leland…” I stand and attempt to reason with him.
“No! I’ve been quiet about what was going on with you and my sister because for some fucked up reason she likes you—well, loves you.” He points toward where Collins left. “But now is not the time to spread your ‘I love you’s’ because we have lost everything.”
“Yeah!” Lawson pipes in.
“You stop.” Leland points at him. His voice raised and my whole body recoils at his tone toward his brother.
“What?” Lawson genuinely looks confused.
“You’re just as at fault for this situation!” Leland swirls his hand in the air, then juts his fingers at Lawson and me. Illustrating the altercation and escalating the situation.