Page 5 of Restoring Faith
“You good?” He asks, worried.
“Yeah,” I shrug. “Just tired. See that Law doesn’t break my board and bring it to the shop?”
He sighs but agrees. “You need anything?”
“Nah. I’ll be at the junkyard tomorrow. Benny called and said my parts came in, and I’m going to pick what I can for my girl.”
My girl. My car. She’s going to be a welcome distraction.
“Be safe driving home.” Leland says.
Leland isn’t for showing a lot of emotions, so the way he says he loves or cares for us is words like that. Be safe.
I climb in my truck to head out with tonight’s events replaying in my mind. Nothing is worse than ratting out my best friend and brother. I’ll need to make it up to Massey. Maybe Lawson too. It’s still up in the air for that guy.
Chapter 3
I’m standing in front of Massey’s office building, contemplating if I brought enough for her. Bear claws, iced coffee, a teddy bear. Gathering the courage to grovel until she forgives me, I go headfirst toward whatever response I will get. I pass by the reception desk, giving the assistant a finger wave. I tip-toe down the carpeted hallway and peek my head around Massey’s door. She looks up from her desk and places her sketching pencil down. More like slams it down.
I walk fully in the doorframe and hold up my full hands. “Bear claws, iced coffee, and a massive apology for you?”
“Oh, girl.” She snaps her fingers toward me. “You owe me big apologies for leaving me with the douche duo.”
I cringe hard because I know she’s right. Placing the box of goodies and drink carrier down on her desk, I pull a pack of Starburst from my bag and place it next to the box of bear claws. She opens her desk drawer and sweeps her hand across the desk, grabbing the chewy candies and sliding them into the drawer. She flicks her delicate wrist, slamming the drawer shut.
“Okay. You’re forgiven.” Massey acknowledges.
I am so relieved. I plop down in the chair facing her desk. “Thank you! What happened after I left?” I sit up and reach for a bear claw from the box.
Massey grabs one as well, breaking a piece of the gooey donut and popping it in her mouth. With a sigh mixed with a groan, “Well, Lawson pushed Victor off my board and climbed on. He demanded we paddle away and leave the douche behind. Lawson is freakishly strong. He paddled us both away. Last I saw, Victor climbed on your board and headed back to shore.”
Crap, my board.
“I called Victor last night. He’s got your board.” Massey soothes my worried heart.
I am slightly disappointed I won’t have my longboard to surf with and will have to put up with my shortboard. There is nothing wrong with it. I just like the smoothness and steadiness of the longboard. The short board is quicker to cut in the waves.
“Collins, I’m so glad to see you!” Massey’s dad, Dave, or I refer to him in the most respect as Mr. Withers, pokes his head in the door. “Can I ask you to look at our corporate car? It won’t start.”
“Yeah, happy to look.” I give him a small smile.
“It’ll be unlocked. Janice out front will give you the keys.” He gives me a nod. “How’s the Chevelle?”
“Rough and perfect. I’ll be picking parts for her today.” I proudly say.
“Good. Well, have a nice day. And, thanks again.” He gestures before leaving.
“Well, I’ll head out. Have a good day.”
Massey just mumbles with a mouthful of donut. I take it as a “Thanks, you too.”
I spin the keyring in my fingers as I make my way down to the parking garage underneath the office building. Exiting the elevator at the garage, I click the lock and unlock button to find the right corporate car. A loud beep brings me face to face with the hazel eyes that break through every focused moment I’ve had. Tightening in my stomach, pulling at my ribs, nerves, and sweaty palms.
“Hey Collins. What are you doing here?” He speaks first.
Taking a large, awkward gulp. “Checking the corporate car,” I say.